Yellow clump daisy "Zlatovlaska" - Chrysanthemum multicaule.
An ideal plant for hanging baskets.
Annual. A compact bush with numerous erect stems 15-20 cm high. The leaves are separate, coarsely toothed. Golden-yellow inflorescences-..
Yellow fennelflower "Transformer".
An annual plant up to 80 cm high with small flowers and very decorative seedlings. Ideal for dry bouquets, cut flowers and flower beds.
Yellow fennelflower, yellow nigella.
Yellow zinnia "Canary Bird".
Excellent annual.
The plant is powerful, branched from the base, up to 90 cm high. Dense hemispherical inflorescences, up to 12 cm in diameter, yellow with a lemon tint.
Blooms from July to September. Used fo..
Elegant zinnia "Cherry Queen" - Zinnia elegans.
Amazing cherry fireballs!
Tall, profusely flowering variety of zinnia with very large (Ø12-14 cm) double inflorescences. Plants erect, strong, up to 70 cm high, with strong pedun..
Zinnia "Double liliput" (mix) - Zinnia elegans.
Compact bushes with graceful spherical inflorescences.
A common, drought-resistant and unpretentious plant, forming branched bushes up to 50 cm tall.
Numerous double yellow, red, crims..
Elegant zinnia "Luminosa" - Zinnia elegans.
The brightest representative of annuals.
It is a powerful, sprawling bush up to 90 cm tall and very large double pale pink flowers, up to 15 cm in diameter, giving the whole plant a very de..
Zinnia elegans "Oriole".
A series of tall, large-flowered zinnias for elite garden decoration. Differs in extremely plentiful and long blossoming, strong branching peduncles, pure and resistant to fading tones of inflorescences.
Forms rai..
Zinnia marylandica "Zahara Raspberry".
A series of new generation dwarf zinnias for amateur and professional gardening.
New, incredibly resistant to fungal diseases and the most heat-resistant series of compact dwarf zinnias from PanAmeri..
Zinnia marylandica "Zahara Starlight Rose".
Incredibly resistant to fungal diseases and the most heat resistant series of compact dwarf zinnias.
She feels good and does not lose her attractiveness even at +40°C, and bright semi-d..
Zinnia marylandica "Zahara" (mix).
New, incredibly disease resistant and most heat resistant series. Feels good and does not lose its attractiveness even at +40°C.
The main distinguishing features: powerful branched stems with double ..
Zinnia scabiosaflowered (mixture).
Bright carnival of colours in summer and autumn!
Plant height 80 cm. Flower diameter 8 cm. Light and heat-loving, fast-growing plant with erect stems. Inflorescences-baskets are terry, outwardly resembling scabios..
Zucchini marrow "Trend" F1 - Cucurbita pepo L. var. giraumonas.
The pulp is sweetish, especially tasty when raw!
A special hybrid of bush squash with round, light green fruits that are ideal for stuffing.
The plant has a higher vigo..
Creamy white zucchini squash "Betka" F1.
Early ripe hybrid variety, weighing 0.6-0.9 kg.
For zucchini, light, fertile soils with low groundwater are most suitable, it does not tolerate acidic soils.
The best predecessors are early v..
Courgette-zucchini "Goldline" F1.
The fruits of this hybrid are amazing for cooking squash caviar and for canning!
Bush. The fruits are cylindrical, up to 20-60 cm long, yellow in color, amazing in taste, suitable for dietary nutrition, c..
Summer squash zucchini "Startgreen" F1.
An early squash-zucchini hybrid that provides a high yield and a long fruiting period.
A bushy plant with a compact habit.
The fruits are smooth, straight, with a shiny dark green bark.
Fruit leng..
Summer squash zucchini "Startgreen" F1.
An early, high-yielding marrow hybrid that provides a long fruiting period.
A bushy plant with a compact habit and regular straight, smooth skinned, dark green fruit.
Approximately 60 days fro..
Summer squash zucchini "Startgreen" F1.
An early squash-zucchini hybrid that provides a high yield and a long fruiting period.
A bushy plant with a compact habit.
The fruits are smooth, straight, with a shiny dark green bark.
Fruit leng..
Courgette-zucchini "Emperol" F1.
The plant is bushy, densely leafy, powerful, forms 8-10 fruits. Fruits are elongated-cylindrical (25-35 cm), skin is light green with white slightly striped.
Optimum fruit size for harv..
Salad cucumber "ORCA" F1 - EXTRA LONG TYPE.
Partenocarpic varieties for Indoor production. 100% female. Pollination is unwanted. Mid-early.
New cucumber with very long slightly ribbed fruit (40 – 50 cm long).
Recommended from sprin..
Green peas "Progress 9"
Ultra-early, very productive variety. Ripening period 58-62 days. The plant is dwarf, 40-50 cm high, does not require support. Pods are dark green, 9-12 cm long. Brain peas are large, juicy and sweet. Delightfully d..
Hot pepper "Ostry" F1.
Mildly hot pepper mainly for open field production.
The two main characteristics that make this a very desirable variety are the uniform, attractive pyramid shaped fruit and the very short time to harvest.
The thic..
Hot pepper "PCR".
Mildly hot pepper mainly for open field production.
Maturity: early (129 days).
Unripe colour: yellow.
Ripe colour: red.
Scoville heat units (SHU): 650-700.
Eng.: Hot pepper. Suom.: Chilipaprika. Sven.: Chilipeppar..
Hot pepper "Ilika" (Almapaprika).
A savory "apple" type variety, amazingly suitable for stuffing.
Unripe colour: yellow.
Ripe colour: red.
Weight: 90-100 g.
Scoville heat units (SHU): 2000.
It is characterized by a high abil..
Hot pepper "Palinda" F1 (2500 SHU).
Mid-early hybrid of hot pepper of the "apple" type. The fruits are slightly ribbed, flat-round, small in size, 5-7 cm in diameter.
The pulp is juicy, with a sharp taste. The colour of the frui..
Hot pepper ''Jalahot'' F1 (10 000 SHU).
Early maturing variety, for cultivation in open ground and in film shelters.
The fruits are proboscis-shaped, red, glossy, have a strong peppery aroma and pungent taste.
It is used as a seaso..