Limonium latifolium L.
Sea lavender - Limonium latifofolium.
Perennial from the Plumbaginaceae family.
Origin: Europe.
Features: a reliable border plant in texture, color and flowering time with hundreds of tiny flowers that create a lovely aerial effect over broad, paddle-shaped leaves. Suitable for cutting flowers - fresh or dried. Drought resistant.
Flower color: blue-lavender.
Flowering plant height: 50 cm.
Distance between plants: 50 cm.
Foliage: broad, dark green.
Natural flowering period: May - July.
Winter hardiness zones: Z4 - Z8.
Soil Requirements: dry, well-drained.
Propagated by seeds that can be sown for seedlings from March to May. Seedlings are planted in a permanent place in late August - early September. The transplant does not tolerate well, especially in adulthood. This species can also be propagated vegetatively by dividing rhizomes in spring or autumn, but such divisions take root quite hard. Kermek broad-leaved has no varieties. Winters without shelter, but suffers from winter-spring waters. Needs shade from the spring sun.
1.0 g = 1200 seeds.

Limonium pltyphyllum, Кермек широколистный, Статице широколистная, Лимониум, Laialehine parkjuur

Limonium latifolium, platyphyllum, Лимониум широколистный, Laialehine parkjuur
Sea lavender, statice. Bot. syn.: Limonium platyphyllum.