Petunia "Double Cascade Burgundy" F1
Petunia x hybrida multiflora double
Ex Tax: 2.54€
Ex Tax: 2.54€
Petunia "Double Cascade Burgundy" F1.
Blooms almost all summer without stopping.
For multi-flowered petunias of the DUO series, a bush 25-35 cm high with small neat leaves and huge flowers 7-12 cm in diameter are characteristic.The flowers are double, with strongly corrugated petals. The flowering plant has an unusually spectacular appearance.The use of petunias is very diverse: flower beds, flowerpots, containers, balconies, interiors and living quarters.

Blooms almost all summer without stopping.
For multi-flowered petunias of the DUO series, a bush 25-35 cm high with small neat leaves and huge flowers 7-12 cm in diameter are characteristic.The flowers are double, with strongly corrugated petals. The flowering plant has an unusually spectacular appearance.The use of petunias is very diverse: flower beds, flowerpots, containers, balconies, interiors and living quarters.

* Terry petunias are the most fashionable and expensive today, and the collected seeds from them give a low percentage of terry. In order not to buy seeds or seedlings, there is only one way out - cuttings.
How to save petunias in winter?
From terry petunias for queen cells, the most ornamental plants with the largest and densely double flowers are selected. In late August - early September, before the onset of frost, the bushes are carefully transplanted into containers or pots with a diameter of at least 15-17 cm and placed in a room. The main conditions for the preservation of mother liquors: air temperature + 10 + 12 ° C, low soil moisture and not too dry air. Top dressing in the autumn-winter period should be carried out only occasionally and only phosphate and potash fertilizers should be used.
It can also be kept in a room, but only under the condition of supplementary lighting. Still, the air in the apartment is very dry, and the temperature is too high. It is better to illuminate with special lamps or fluorescent lamps for at least 12 hours daily. And if the daylight hours exceed 14 hours, then the petunias will resume flowering, which will be a reward to the gardener for all his troubles.
Petunias are cut from February to May. Apical cuttings with four to six leaves are cut from the mother plants, the top two leaves are left, shortening them by half, and planted in the soil by 1/3-1/4 of the length. The cuttings are placed in a box quite tightly, at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other. Then the boxes are covered with glass and placed in a bright place at a temperature of +21+24°C.
The soil for grafting can be used the same as for crops, but it is necessary to pour a layer of sand or perlite 2-2.5 cm thick on top, spilling it with a fungicide solution. It is impossible to reuse the soil for cuttings. When cutting, you can use substances that stimulate the formation of roots ("Kornevin", "Heteroauxin" and others), but if the necessary conditions are met, the cuttings root perfectly without it.
The main secret of success: cut cuttings should be placed in the soil as soon as possible. After 1-2 hours after cutting, their rooting ability drops sharply, even if they were stored in humid conditions.
During rooting, the cuttings are moistened 1-2 times a day using a sprayer. At the same time, make sure that the soil is moist, but not too wet. When the first signs of mold or “black leg” appear, watering is reduced, the boxes are ventilated, and diseased cuttings are removed. After 5-10 days, roots appear on the petunia cuttings. As soon as the length of the roots on the cuttings reaches 1-1.5 cm, they can be transplanted into pots with a diameter of 5 cm.
To obtain more bushy plants, seedlings are pinched over the fourth or fifth leaf. The tops of the shoots, cut off when pinching, can also be used for cuttings. If necessary, pinching is repeated after 2 weeks. After a month and a half, the overgrown plants are transferred to pots with a diameter of 11-13 cm.
Caring for seedlings of petunias obtained by cuttings is almost the same as caring for seedlings grown from seeds.
How to save petunias in winter?
From terry petunias for queen cells, the most ornamental plants with the largest and densely double flowers are selected. In late August - early September, before the onset of frost, the bushes are carefully transplanted into containers or pots with a diameter of at least 15-17 cm and placed in a room. The main conditions for the preservation of mother liquors: air temperature + 10 + 12 ° C, low soil moisture and not too dry air. Top dressing in the autumn-winter period should be carried out only occasionally and only phosphate and potash fertilizers should be used.
It can also be kept in a room, but only under the condition of supplementary lighting. Still, the air in the apartment is very dry, and the temperature is too high. It is better to illuminate with special lamps or fluorescent lamps for at least 12 hours daily. And if the daylight hours exceed 14 hours, then the petunias will resume flowering, which will be a reward to the gardener for all his troubles.
Petunias are cut from February to May. Apical cuttings with four to six leaves are cut from the mother plants, the top two leaves are left, shortening them by half, and planted in the soil by 1/3-1/4 of the length. The cuttings are placed in a box quite tightly, at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other. Then the boxes are covered with glass and placed in a bright place at a temperature of +21+24°C.
The soil for grafting can be used the same as for crops, but it is necessary to pour a layer of sand or perlite 2-2.5 cm thick on top, spilling it with a fungicide solution. It is impossible to reuse the soil for cuttings. When cutting, you can use substances that stimulate the formation of roots ("Kornevin", "Heteroauxin" and others), but if the necessary conditions are met, the cuttings root perfectly without it.
The main secret of success: cut cuttings should be placed in the soil as soon as possible. After 1-2 hours after cutting, their rooting ability drops sharply, even if they were stored in humid conditions.
During rooting, the cuttings are moistened 1-2 times a day using a sprayer. At the same time, make sure that the soil is moist, but not too wet. When the first signs of mold or “black leg” appear, watering is reduced, the boxes are ventilated, and diseased cuttings are removed. After 5-10 days, roots appear on the petunia cuttings. As soon as the length of the roots on the cuttings reaches 1-1.5 cm, they can be transplanted into pots with a diameter of 5 cm.
To obtain more bushy plants, seedlings are pinched over the fourth or fifth leaf. The tops of the shoots, cut off when pinching, can also be used for cuttings. If necessary, pinching is repeated after 2 weeks. After a month and a half, the overgrown plants are transferred to pots with a diameter of 11-13 cm.
Caring for seedlings of petunias obtained by cuttings is almost the same as caring for seedlings grown from seeds.