Early, productive, disease-resistant hybrid with an original color of the root crop.
The outer and inner part of the root crops have a characteristic ruby-red colour.
Sweet and crispy pulp has an excellent taste: it is used fresh, suitable for making salads and juices.
This hybrid variety can also be grown for autumn harvesting for storage (in this case, the seeds should be sown from May 20 to June 10).
Note: the seeds are disinfected with Fludioxonil. 1.0 g = 800-1000 seeds.
Sowing: in late April - early May in moist soil, to a depth of 1.5-2.0 cm, according to the 5x20 cm pattern.
Grown on slightly acidic soils, light in mechanical composition, with a deep arable layer.
Care: thinning (2 times per season) to a distance of 5 cm between plants, treatment against carrot fly, infrequent watering, loosening between rows. It is recommended to fertilize with complex mineral fertilizer. Do not apply fresh organic fertilizers!
Harvesting: selective - in July-August, main - before the onset of autumn frosts in dry weather.
* Carrots are one of the most common and valuable vegetable plants, which have been used as food since before the new era. Centuries of carrot selection have allowed us to develop many cultivated varieties for different geographical zones.
Red-fruited varieties have the greatest medicinal value. The maximum content of biologically active substances in carrots occurs in September.
The daily human requirement for carotene is 6 mg%, this amount is contained in 100 g of carrots. The rich content of vitamins, organic acids, mineral salts necessary for the human body makes carrots a dietary, medicinal and nutritious product.
Raw and boiled root vegetables, whole and diluted juice, seeds and carrot tops are used for medicinal purposes.
Freshly grated carrots are recommended to be consumed 50-100 g daily before the first course or on an empty stomach for various diseases of the heart, lungs, gastrointestinal tract.
Fresh carrots and fresh juice are contraindicated for gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, colitis, diarrhea, kidney stones.
People suffering from diabetes should eat carrots with caution, in small doses due to the high (up to 15%) sugar content.
A healing dressing made from carrot pulp reduces pain and inflammation, promotes rapid healing of purulent wounds, ulcers, eczema, burns, frostbite.
Patients with gastrointestinal diseases are better off eating boiled or steamed carrots, in this case they do not cause irritation.
For hoarseness, dry and painful cough, chronic bronchitis and pneumonia, grated carrots boiled in milk in a ratio of 1:1 are useful.
For inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, an infusion is recommended: juice, boiled hot milk and honey in a ratio of 1:1:0.2, leave for 4-5 hours and drink warm 1/4 cup 4-6 times a day.
Freshly prepared carrot juice is a unique dietary and therapeutic agent, rich in carotene and potassium salts. It is prescribed to infants, patients with acute myocardial infarction and people with various chronic diseases.
Carrot juice relieves fatigue, improves appetite, complexion and vision, strengthens hair and nails, cleanses the skin of pustular rashes, increases resistance to colds, promotes weight loss in obesity, and increases milk production in nursing mothers.