Brassica oleracea L. convar. oleracea var. gemmifera
Brand: Kurzemes Seklas
Packaged:2,0 g
Ex Tax: 1.05€
Brussel sprout "Casiopea".
For consumption in any form! Up to 30 heads from each plant!
Mid-late variety: 120-130 days from transplating. Suitable for gradual harvesting. Sprouts are smaller, dark green, densely clustered and firm.
Good resistant to frost, uprooting and lodging. Plant reaches height 110-125 cm.
1,0 g = 260-310 seeds.

Brussels Sprouts.

* Brussels sprouts differ from other species in their unique structure: small heads of cabbage with a diameter of 2.5-7 cm are formed on a high stem in the leaf axils. There can be up to 90 or more of them on a plant.
This cabbage is highly valued as a dietary product. Its caloric content is 1.5 times higher than that of white cabbage. Brussels sprouts are very tasty and nutritious. They are used to make soups, side dishes, salads, they are marinated and preserved, and eaten fresh.
Their value also lies in the fact that the heads of cabbage freeze well without losing their nutritional properties (they can be used for a long time).
To get a good harvest, it should be grown only from seedlings. When using potted seedlings, the heads of cabbage ripen 15-20 days earlier. For seedlings, seeds are sown at the same time as late varieties of cabbage. The requirements for growing are almost the same as for white cabbage.
However, in the phase of formation of heads, Brussels sprouts are distinguished by increased cold resistance: they easily tolerate short-term frosts down to -8-10°C.
They are planted with a feeding area of ​​70x50 cm for mid-season varieties and 70x60 cm for late-season varieties.
It is better to grow Brussels sprouts on soils with a low nitrogen content, since on nitrogen-rich heads curl poorly and are loose. At the time of their formation, it is useful to feed 1-2 times with superphosphate and potassium sulfate (30 g of each per 10 liters of water), pouring a liter of solution under each plant. There is no need to add fresh manure. 
Seedlings are planted at the age of 50-60 days immediately after early-ripening white cabbage varieties. With later planting dates, the yield decreases. Care for plants during the growing season is the same as for white cabbage. With abundant fertilization and especially with fresh manure, Brussels sprouts experience increased foliage growth, the formation and maturation of heads is delayed, and they remain small and loose by the time of harvesting. Plant care consists of weeding and loosening the soil. Plants are not hilled, watered once a week at the rate of 12-14 liters of water per 1 sq. m.

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