Eruca sativa L.
Brand: Franchi
Packaged:100,0 g
Ex Tax: 7.95€
Salad Rocket (Indau) "Rucola coltivata".
Valued for its excellent nut-mustard taste.
Early maturing culture: from germination to green harvesting 20-25 days.
Its juicy leaves are an integral part of various salads. Finely chopped leaves are an indispensable spicy side dish for meat and fish dishes (good for making sandwiches).
The presence of a peculiar combination of essential oils, vitamin C, carotene, B vitamins, vitamin P, as well as mineral compounds makes this culture very popular.
Rosette height 15-20 cm. Sowing from April to August directly into the ground, to a depth of 1 cm.
The plant is unpretentious, intended for cultivation in open ground, under film shelters, or as a pot culture on the windowsill. Productivity is 1-1.3 kg/m2.
The young leaves of the plant are very juicy, reminiscent of lettuce leaves, but differ in mushroom taste with a slightly burning spicy aroma.
They are rich in vitamins, mineral salts, trace elements and other useful substances. In addition to the leaves, the stems, flowers and even the roots of the plant are eaten.
The leaves can be eaten raw or steamed. Garnishes are prepared from them, added to salads, soups, meat dishes are flavoured with them.
And the seeds and stems are put in pickles and marinades. The ground indau seeds make excellent mustard.
The root of the plant has a strong antibacterial effect and is used for medicinal purposes.

1,0 g = 450-550 seeds.

Eruca sativa Rukola

Combines the speed of Salad Rocket and the flavour of Wild Rocket. An upright habit, so keeps the attractive serrated leaves clean and disease free.
Pungency increases as the plants develop. Best cut as small leaves. Slow to bolt.
Sowing Instructions: sow from April to July in any good fertile, well drained soil. Sow thinly 6 mm deep in drills spaced 45-60 cm apart.
Growing Instructions: when the seedlings are large enough to handle thin out to 23-30 cm apart.
Aftercare Instructions: pick the young leaves as required over the whole row rather than just one or two plants as this would weaken them.
As the flower buds appear pinch them out to prolong cropping.

Rukola Indau Rucola Руккола Индау Sinappikaali, rukola Rucolasallat (Senapskål) Eruca vesicaria, Brassica eruca

Eng.: Coltivated rocket.

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