Spinach is a gourmet vegetable.
Mid-season, very productive variety. Grows best in fertile and moist soil. Seeds are sown in early spring or autumn (if sowing is done in the middle of summer, then the harvest will be small).
To prevent spinach from shooting, grow it in the shade of tall crops, since spinach seed formation is stimulated by solar activity, and, accordingly, by an increase in the temperature of its environment. Therefore, during such periods, watering is absolutely necessary.
1 gram = 100-120 seeds. Spinach seeds remain viable for 3-4 years.
Winter sowing of spinach.
To get an early harvest of spinach, it should be sown in the fall on an elevated area with light soil.
To do this, in late September - early October, carefully remove the remains of vegetable crops and weeds, then add mineral fertilizers, dig up the soil and cut out beds.
For seed embedment, prepare light sandy loam, peat or good humus soil and cover it with straw and manure so that it does not freeze.
Sow in November in frozen soil with dry seeds at the rate of: 5 g of seeds per 1 m².
Sow the seeds in furrows and cover with prepared soil. In the spring, when the soil dries out, loosen the row spacing and weed out the weeds. When shoots appear, the plants are watered, fed with nitrogen fertilizer, and the surface of the beds is mulched.
Further care for spinach consists of loosening, weeding, watering and pest and disease control.
Growing spinach at home.
The best varieties for indoor conditions are: Victoria, Viroflay, Goudry and hybrids: Melody, Mazurka, Tarantella, etc.
Spinach requires intense lighting, so after shoots appear (when sowing in January - February), boxes or pots with plants are placed on windowsills or heated glazed verandas, in loggias and greenhouses - as close to the light as possible.
The optimal temperature for keeping is +14 +18°C. If these conditions are met, you will be collecting fresh spinach greens in a month in the winter.
* It has been established that spinach develops better and produces more leaves in shortened daylight hours, while in long days and low temperatures it produces fewer leaves and quickly goes into arrow. Given this circumstance, it is better to sow spinach in greenhouses or insulated beds.
Use of spinach in folk medicine.
The beneficial properties of this crop have made it possible to use it as a therapeutic and dietary remedy for diseases of the blood, digestive organs, and cardiovascular system. It is very useful in baby food - for bone formation, and also as an anti-rachitic agent.
A decoction of spinach leaves is drunk for constipation and gas accumulation in the intestines (10 g per 1 glass of boiling water, boil for 10-15 minutes, strain) 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day before meals.
Spinach juice is recommended for growth disorders in children, severe constipation, gum disease (mixed with carrot juice), as a means of nourishing the nervous system of mental workers and people with neurasthenic tendencies.
Due to the significant amount of valuable mineral salts and the abundance of various vitamins, it is used in the treatment of pernicious anemia and thyroid diseases. Regular consumption promotes normal heart function. Recently, spinach has also been used as a medicine against radiation sickness.
Warning: spinach contains a lot of oxalic acid, which is contraindicated for people with impaired salt metabolism. Therefore, spinach should not be consumed in cases of urolithiasis, nephritis, gout, colitis, enterocolitis, liver diseases, gall bladder and pancreas.