A bright, contrasting mixture of beautiful inflorescences against the background of finely cut leaves!
Inflorescences of various colours - from white and pink to purple. The flowers are almost spherical. An unpretentious plant.
Large-flowered scabiosa is an unpretentious annual plant from the Vorsyankov family. Stem erect, branching, 60-90 cm high.
Basal leaves are lanceolate-oval, coarsely dentate, stem leaves are opposite, pinnatipartite.
Small flowers are collected in capitate inflorescences with a diameter of 5-6 cm.
Inflorescences are terry, on long strong peduncles, which is especially valuable for flower arrangements.
Prefers sunny places with fertile loose soil.
Propagated by seeds: sowing for seedlings - in February-March; in open ground - in April-May, maintaining a distance between plants of 35-40 cm.
It tolerates transplanting well even in a flowering state. Blooms from July to October. Fruits in September.
Seeds remain viable for up to 3 years. In culture since 1629. Ideal for flower beds, rabatok, as well as for cutting.
Location: a sunny location is required for a successful crop.
Soil: areas with fertile, light soil, rich in humus.
Care: the use of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers increases the brightness of the colour of the flowers. Watering is moderate.
Reproduction: annual species are propagated by sowing seeds in open ground in early May or for seedlings - in a greenhouse in late March - early April.
Seedlings at a temperature of 16-18 degrees appear in dark purple scabiosa - on days 8-14.
Seedlings dive and planted in a permanent place at the beginning of June, maintaining a distance between plants of 25-30 cm.
Use: for cutting, in groups, discounts, mixborders with such perennials as hostas, peonies, undersized irises.
Cut flowers remain decorative in water for 5-7 days.
Mourningbride, mournful-widow, sweet scabious. Bot. syn.: Scabiosa maritima L.