Brand: Gavrish
Packaged:12 s.
Ex Tax: 3.05€
F1 Kostroma TmC3F1 is a middle-season hybrid (105-110 days from emergence to the beginning of fruiting)
for growing in winter greenhouses and plastic houses.
Medium-tall plants 1,5-2,0 m, with medium foliage make good use of the greenhouse space. The density of planting is 2,8-3,0 plants/m2.
The first inflorescence sets over 9-11th leaf, the further racemes are separated by 2-3 leaves. Inflorescence of an intermediate type.
The cluster contains 6-10 loosely borne fruits, which are uniformly big (150 g), flattened globes, with excellent taste.
Hybrid is tolerant to abrupt changes in air temperature and humidity. The yield is till 22 kg/m2.

Tomat Kostroma F1 Томат Кострома

Semideterminate hybrid.

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