Tomato "Sibirsky skorospely"
Tomato "Siberian early ripening".
Time-tested, cold-resistant variety.
Early ripening: from mass germination to the first harvest of fruits - 95-110 days.
In open ground, the height of plants is 40-50 cm, in greenhouses - 60-90 cm. The fruits weigh 65-120 g, ripen together, and do not crack. The pulp is dense, juicy, sweet and aromatic.
Tomatoes are suitable for culinary processing, making juices, sauces, pastes, as well as for canning. The variety is resistant to tobacco mosaic and brown spot.
Productivity in greenhouses: 6.5-9.5 kg/m2.
Growing conditions.
The culture is warm and light-loving. Grown by seedlings. The seeding depth is -1-2 cm. At an optimal temperature of +20+25°C, seedlings appear after 5 days. Picking in the phase of 2-3 true leaves. The seedlings are ready for planting 40-50 days after sowing. Placed on fertile, light, neutral soils.
Caring for plants consists of watering as needed (it is especially important to water the tomato before flowering, with the appearance of ovaries and the beginning of fruit ripening), loosening and fertilizing.
Time-tested, cold-resistant variety.
Early ripening: from mass germination to the first harvest of fruits - 95-110 days.
In open ground, the height of plants is 40-50 cm, in greenhouses - 60-90 cm. The fruits weigh 65-120 g, ripen together, and do not crack. The pulp is dense, juicy, sweet and aromatic.
Tomatoes are suitable for culinary processing, making juices, sauces, pastes, as well as for canning. The variety is resistant to tobacco mosaic and brown spot.
Productivity in greenhouses: 6.5-9.5 kg/m2.
Growing conditions.
The culture is warm and light-loving. Grown by seedlings. The seeding depth is -1-2 cm. At an optimal temperature of +20+25°C, seedlings appear after 5 days. Picking in the phase of 2-3 true leaves. The seedlings are ready for planting 40-50 days after sowing. Placed on fertile, light, neutral soils.
Caring for plants consists of watering as needed (it is especially important to water the tomato before flowering, with the appearance of ovaries and the beginning of fruit ripening), loosening and fertilizing.
Heirloom tomato "Siberian Early", Non-hybrid, Untreated, Non GMO.