Lycopersicon lycopersicum
Brand: Aelita
Packaged:20 s.
Ex Tax: 3.05€
Tomato "Black marquise".
A mid-early variety with a delicious taste and unique fruit colour. From germination to the beginning of fruit harvesting: 110-115 days.
The plants are determinate, compact, and at the time of fruiting they are simply strewn with tomatoes weighing 120-140 g.
All fruits are in excellent presentation, equal in size and uniform in shape, without a green spot on the stem.
Very good in fresh salads and sandwiches, suitable for cooking.
The variety is resistant to fusarium wilt, TMV, cladosporiosis, and does not require complex care. Productivity is high. In the phase of one or two true leaves, the seedlings dive.
Suitable for growing in open ground and in film greenhouses.
In the open ground conditions of Estonia, at the end of July, the growing point of the plants is pinched and the flowering racemes without ovaries are removed.

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