Tomato "Chorny zhemchug"
Tomato "Black Pearl".
Tall, mid-early variety with “clusters” of chocolate fruits. Recommended for growing in film shelters.
The plant forms clusters with 6-12 cocktail tomatoes weighing 30-40 g.
They are used for canning and pickling, but it is better to add them fresh to salads since brown tomatoes have sweeter flesh, a richer taste, and the content of lycopene and anthocyanins in them is much higher than that of their red-fruited “relatives”.
Sowing for seedlings - in March-April to a depth of 1-2 cm. Picking in the phase of 2-3 true leaves. Planting seedlings in a greenhouse - in April-May, in the ground - in June. After planting in open ground, the plants are tied up and planted. Planting pattern: 40x60 cm.
Tall, mid-early variety with “clusters” of chocolate fruits. Recommended for growing in film shelters.
The plant forms clusters with 6-12 cocktail tomatoes weighing 30-40 g.
They are used for canning and pickling, but it is better to add them fresh to salads since brown tomatoes have sweeter flesh, a richer taste, and the content of lycopene and anthocyanins in them is much higher than that of their red-fruited “relatives”.
Sowing for seedlings - in March-April to a depth of 1-2 cm. Picking in the phase of 2-3 true leaves. Planting seedlings in a greenhouse - in April-May, in the ground - in June. After planting in open ground, the plants are tied up and planted. Planting pattern: 40x60 cm.