Tomato "Russky Chorny" (Black Russian)
Lycopersicon lycopersicum L.
3.87€ 4.20€
Ex Tax: 3.17€
Ex Tax: 3.17€
Tomato "Black Russian" (Russky Chorny).
This variety will more than pay for all the effort spent on it... One of the masterpieces of world selection!
Mid-season variety (period from germination to ripening 110-115 days) for open ground and film shelters.
An excellent tomato with a long fruiting period and impeccable fruit quality. The plant is indeterminate, 1.7–2.0 m high.
The fruits are very beautiful, mahogany-coloured, large, weighing 170-250 g (the first ones weigh up to 320 g), fleshy and incredibly tasty.
Tolerant to low light, low and high temperatures, and has high fruit set. It is distinguished by genetic resistance to late blight, fusarium, TMV, and bacterial spot.
Perfect for salads and processing into tomato products.
Productivity in the greenhouse: 8-11 kg/m2.
Description: Cordon (Indeterminate). These medium sized black tomatoes grow on compact plants bearing plenty of dark mahogany-brown fruits, with a delicious blend of sugar and acid, making a distinctive, complex flavour that has to be tasted to be believed. (Lycopersicon esculentum).
Heritage tomatoes: Thompson and Morgan over the past 100 years have found several tomatoes from their own trials and through travelling around the world seeing and tasting varieties both old and new. We have put together a range of good old fashioned tomatoes from those forgotten years that we consider have stood the test of time. All are unusual in colour and shape having a wonderful flavour of how tomatoes used to be, making a welcome addition to any kitchen garden.
Sowing Instructions: Germinate at +18+20°C on the surface of a good free draining, damp seed compost. Apply a layer of vermiculite, 3 cm deep. Place in a propagator or seal container inside a polythene bag until after germination.
For Indoor Crops: Sow from late winter to early spring. Plant finally into growbags or pots in the greenhouse, or conservatory.
For Outdoor Crops: Sow during early spring. Acclimatise plants to outdoor conditions for a few days prior to final planting after all risk of frost.
Growing Instructions: Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle into 7.5 cm pots. Plant in final situation when 20 cm high, 45 cm apart.
Aftercare Instructions: Provide adequate support and tie regularly. Remove all side shoots as they appear, leaving one main stem. Feed regularly with a general tomato fertiliser. Provide a sunny, moist, fertile and well drained site. Remove main growing tip in late summer to hasten ripening.
This variety will more than pay for all the effort spent on it... One of the masterpieces of world selection!
Mid-season variety (period from germination to ripening 110-115 days) for open ground and film shelters.
An excellent tomato with a long fruiting period and impeccable fruit quality. The plant is indeterminate, 1.7–2.0 m high.
The fruits are very beautiful, mahogany-coloured, large, weighing 170-250 g (the first ones weigh up to 320 g), fleshy and incredibly tasty.
Tolerant to low light, low and high temperatures, and has high fruit set. It is distinguished by genetic resistance to late blight, fusarium, TMV, and bacterial spot.
Perfect for salads and processing into tomato products.
Productivity in the greenhouse: 8-11 kg/m2.
Description: Cordon (Indeterminate). These medium sized black tomatoes grow on compact plants bearing plenty of dark mahogany-brown fruits, with a delicious blend of sugar and acid, making a distinctive, complex flavour that has to be tasted to be believed. (Lycopersicon esculentum).
Heritage tomatoes: Thompson and Morgan over the past 100 years have found several tomatoes from their own trials and through travelling around the world seeing and tasting varieties both old and new. We have put together a range of good old fashioned tomatoes from those forgotten years that we consider have stood the test of time. All are unusual in colour and shape having a wonderful flavour of how tomatoes used to be, making a welcome addition to any kitchen garden.
Sowing Instructions: Germinate at +18+20°C on the surface of a good free draining, damp seed compost. Apply a layer of vermiculite, 3 cm deep. Place in a propagator or seal container inside a polythene bag until after germination.
For Indoor Crops: Sow from late winter to early spring. Plant finally into growbags or pots in the greenhouse, or conservatory.
For Outdoor Crops: Sow during early spring. Acclimatise plants to outdoor conditions for a few days prior to final planting after all risk of frost.
Growing Instructions: Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle into 7.5 cm pots. Plant in final situation when 20 cm high, 45 cm apart.
Aftercare Instructions: Provide adequate support and tie regularly. Remove all side shoots as they appear, leaving one main stem. Feed regularly with a general tomato fertiliser. Provide a sunny, moist, fertile and well drained site. Remove main growing tip in late summer to hasten ripening.