Amazingly delicious! Long stored!
Tall variety with "date"-fruit.
Very early oval yellow tomato 18 g fruits with excellent flavour.
Tolerant to Phytophthora infestans.

When should you sow tomatoes?
It all depends on the conditions in which you plan to grow tomatoes.
For open ground, the optimal sowing time is the first decade of April, with planting in the first decade of June, and for film greenhouses, it is necessary to sow a little earlier - in mid-March.
What is the best soil to use for growing tomato seedlings?
A good soil mix is one of the keys to a good harvest. The substrate for tomato should be light in texture, loose, well permeable to moisture and air and free from pests and diseases.
For cultivation, you can use both ready-made soils and prepared ones yourself.
For self-preparation of 10 litres of soil, you will need 3 litres of humus, a little less than 7 litres of peat and the rest of the volume - about 1/10 of a bucket of sand.
30 g of superphosphate, 15 g of urea, 15 potassium sulfate and 1 cup of ash are added to a bucket of soil.
How to sow tomatoes?
It is most convenient to sow tomatoes in rows, between which a distance of 3-5 cm is made, the seeds in a row are laid out after 1-1.5 cm, in pre-made and spilled grooves to a depth of 1-2 cm. Seeds are sprinkled with soil dried to an air-flowing state (necessarily without lumps) and cover with a film.
What temperature should be before the emergence of tomato seedlings?
The optimum temperature before germination is +20+25°C. At this temperature, seedlings appear for 4-6 days.
Why dive tomatoes and at what time?
As a rule, tomatoes are grown with picking, that is, tomatoes are sown in boxes, and when 1-2 true leaves appear (about 2 weeks after germination), they start picking.
A pick is used to increase the nutritional area and better development of the root system.