Lycopersicon lycopersicum
Brand: Ural
Packaged:20 s.
Availability:In Stock
Ex Tax: 2.15€
Tomato "Pertsevidny Malinovy".
Delicious, meaty, dense, sugary and unusually cold-resistant.
An early-ripening, incredibly productive variety for growing in open ground. The plant is determinate, 40-45 cm high, does not require staking or pinching. The fruits are crimson, large, smooth, weighing 125-250 g.
Value of the variety: high yield, excellent taste, suitability for whole-fruit canning, disease resistance.
Recommended for fresh consumption, pickling, canning and preparing tomato products.
Sowing on April 20-25 to a depth of 1 cm according to a 4x1 cm pattern. Picking in the phase of 1-2 true leaves. Feeding a week after picking and a week before planting in a permanent place.
To reduce the stress load, gradual hardening is carried out, and the day before planting, the seedlings are sprayed with Epin (seed growth stimulator, adaptogen).
Planting in open ground - the first ten days of June. Plants are ready for planting at the age of 40-45 days, have 4-5 well-developed leaves and buds. Planting pattern 50x70 cm.
Hilling is carried out 2 weeks after planting. The plants do not shoot and can be grown without tying them up. Fertilizing is carried out with complex mineral fertilizer, which significantly increases the yield (feeding interval: once every 2 weeks).
Watering once a week (at the root): 10 l/m2 before fruiting and 20 l/m2 during the fruiting period.


Tomat Pertsevidny Tomat Piprakujuline Tomat Pipramoodi
Tomat Pertsevidny Tomat Piprakujuline Tomat Pipramoodi

Томат Перцевидный, Tomat Piprakujuline, Tomat Percevidny

* Preparing tomato seeds for sowing.
First of all, calibration, disinfection and hardening of seeds are carried out. To reduce the susceptibility of future plants to diseases, sorted seeds are placed for 10 - 20 minutes in a 1 - 2 percent solution of potassium permanganate (5 - 10 g of potassium permanganate per 1 liter of water). Then they are washed and dried.
Warming up the seeds before dressing has a good effect. To do this, the seeds are placed in a gauze bag and heated for 2 - 3 hours near a stove, on a heating radiator, or dipped in hot water (+60°C) for 20 minutes.
For hardening, seeds pickled in potassium permanganate are placed in a gauze bag in a glass jar and buried in the snow for 3 days or placed in the refrigerator at a temperature of -1-3°C.
Tomato seeds are sown in boxes, filling them with a soil mixture of the following composition: 2 parts compost, 1 part sawdust or peat, 1 part sand. Add 15 g of ammonium nitrate, 20 g of double superphosphate, 10 g of potassium sulfate or 2 cups of wood ash to the soil mixture per bucket.
The mixture is poured into boxes, leveled, slightly compacted, watered, furrows 1 - 2 cm deep are made at a distance of 5 - 7 cm from one another and seeds are sown in them at intervals of 3 - 4 cm from each other (3 - 5 g per box) .
Seed the seeds to a depth of 1 - 1.5 cm. Until germination, keep the boxes covered at a temperature of +20+25°C, watering in the morning and evening with water heated to +20+25°C.
As soon as the shoots appear, the covers are removed from the boxes and placed near the window for the day, and in a warmer place at night. Water the seedlings once a day, first heated to +22°C, and then with water at room temperature.

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