Tomato "Start S" F1
Tomato "Start S" F1
Lycopersicon lycopersicum
Ex Tax: 3.65€
Ex Tax: 3.65€
Tomato "Start S" F1.
Early ripe hybrid for open ground. The fruits are round and resistant to cracking.
Early ripe hybrid for open ground. The fruits are round and resistant to cracking.

* Why do green tomatoes crack?
There can be two reasons: excess moisture or excess nitrogen in the soil. It should be borne in mind that an overdose of nitrogen is possible not only when applying mineral fertilizers.
For example, such a rich organic fertilizer as chicken manure is especially rich in active nitrogen, so it is necessary to feed tomatoes with them (and this is very popular with gardeners) very carefully.
* Few people know that tomatoes can be frozen. It is possible and should be done!
But there are also small secrets: cut the skin of a tomato, scald it with boiling water, peel it, and then puree it with a blender. Pour into bags (containers or disposable cups) and freeze.