Asphodelus albus
Brand: Jelitto
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White Asphodel = Asphodelus ramosus L. ssp. albus Mill.
Perennial plants 70-110 cm tall. The flowers are collected in simple or weakly branched racemes up to 2-4 cm in diameter. Stamen filaments with a triangular base. The bracts are brown. The stem is bare. After flowering, small, about 1 cm long, dry boxes with trihedral seeds are formed. Blooms in late May - early June. After flowering, it gradually loses its decorative effect, and by August the leaves may dry out completely or partially, which should be taken into account when placing the plant in flower beds. It has been known in culture for a long time.
Despite its southern origin, it is easily grown in Estonia, requiring neither special drying in summer nor shelter for winter.
Grows on any soil, but prefers loose, light, moderately fertile, with good drainage, but sufficient watering during dry periods. A very unpretentious and winter-hardy plant, suitable for sunny flower beds and large rocky hills.

This plant reproduces vegetatively - by dividing the rhizomes: in August they dig it up and carefully, trying not to break off the fragile thick roots, divide the bush into separate rosettes: each with a bud, a piece of rhizome and its own bunch of roots.
Seed propagation is also easy. Seeds require a cold period to germinate. The easiest way is to sow them in the fall directly into the ground, in ridges or boxes. In spring, friendly shoots appear. True, it takes about 7 years from sowing to the first flowering.
Location: grown in a sunny, warm place protected from the wind.
Soil: grows well in moderately fertilized, well-drained light loamy soils. When grown in open ground, a “cushion” of crushed stone is arranged, and the plants are placed in sunny places.
Care: requires constant attention and care. Among the pests it is affected by aphids.
Reproduction: by seeds, which can be sown either in containers on a cold windowsill in spring or summer, immediately after collection. They produce abundant friendly shoots, planted when the plants reach a height of 14 cm. They are also propagated by dividing adult plants in early spring.
Use: for ridges and rocky slides.The flowers are good for cutting.
Flowering period: V-VI.
Winter hardiness zones: 5-9.

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