The earliest and tender vitamins!
It forms a small cylindrical head with tubular leaves turning into a false stem. With regular harvesting, the leaves grow back throughout the summer.
It is valued for the good taste of the feather and the ability to get vitamin-rich products two weeks earlier than other vegetables without much expense.
A perennial plant, characterized by high frost resistance. It grows in one place for up to 4-6 years. In the spring, it produces early greens rich in vitamins.
Early ripening variety, for salads. The period from full germination to mass dying of the feather is 100-140 days. The bulb is elongated, reduced, massive. The leaves are tender, juicy, do not become coarse for a long time. The taste is semi-sharp. A stable source of vitamin greens in early spring.
Growing conditions.
Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in water for 12 hours. Then dry and sow to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. Mulch the crops with humus or peat. Harvesting of greens begins in the second year after sowing. Grow in one place for 4-6 years.
Sowing: April - June.
Planting method: open ground.
Distance between plants: 25-30 cm.
Distance between rows: 40 cm.
Harvest: May - October.
1.0 g = 300-400 seeds.
Bunching Onion, Wintry green onion, Welsh Onion (Cong-Bai). Bot.: Allium fistulosum L.
Welsh onion has large, hollow leaves 25-45 cm long. Each branch forms 3-5 leaves before the flower stalk appears, after which their formation stops.
The dark green leaves, which have a sharp taste, quickly become coarse. They contain 20-90 mg of vitamin C per 100 g of raw leaves, which is 2 times more than onions.
The largest amount of ascorbic acid is contained at the beginning of growth, i.e. in the very first leaves (by the time the flower stalk appears, its content is significantly reduced).
The powerful peduncles (stalks) of Welsh onion can reach a height of 60 cm. They are hollow, swollen at the bottom, before the flowers bloom, they can be used for food, since they are tender and juicy during this period.
The number of stalks corresponds to the number of branches on the plant. Slightly yellowish bell-shaped flowers of the batun are collected in 150-300 pieces in spherical inflorescences-umbrellas.
Welsh onion is distinguished by its amazing winter hardiness and frost resistance: it can survive even very severe winters with little snow cover.