Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.
Brand: Seklos
Packaged:0,1 g
Ex Tax: 1.65€
White cabbage "Lennox" F1.
Late fertile hybrid, having a strong root system. Vegetation period is 140 days from planting the seedlings.
Loafs are round, weight 3-5 kg, very hard, green-grey colour, the inner core is short. Suitable for long storage, because of sweet taste are good for salads and sauerkraut.
Grow best in well fertilised, non-acid, moderate and light loamy soil. Cabbage seedlings can tolerate mild frost.
1,0 g = 250-300 seeds.

Did you know that... cabbage is very demanding of soil fertility and structure. The best soils for it are loamy with a high content of organic matter (humus), with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction.
Cabbage is usually placed on a flat surface, only in low and damp places are ridges cut. An open, sunny, flat area is chosen for cabbage.
The best predecessors are legumes (peas, beans, etc.), onions, carrots, potatoes. Cabbage is returned to its previous place no earlier than after 4 years.

* Salad with lemon juice and soy sauce.
white cabbage — 300 g
cucumber — 1 pc (small)
tomato — 1 pc
lemon — 1/4 part
soy sauce — 1 tbsp
olive oil — 2 tbsp
salt — to taste
sugar — 1 tsp
parsley — for decoration.
1. Remove the top coarse leaves from the head of cabbage, if necessary, wash it. Then dry it with paper towels and cut into thin strips. Here you should remember that the thinner you cut, the tastier it will be.
2. Transfer the chopped into a deep bowl, sprinkle with salt and rub until soft and the first juice appears.
3. You can grate the cucumber or cut it into thin strips (in the first case, the salad will be juicier). Transfer the grated cucumber to a bowl.
4. Cut the tomato into smaller cubes or strips.
5. Mix all the ingredients and taste if there is enough salt. If not, add salt to taste.
6. Prepare the dressing. To do this, pour olive oil into a separate bowl, add lemon juice. You can squeeze it out directly with your hands, or use a juicer. Then pour in a spoonful of soy sauce and add sugar. Stir the mixture until it dissolves.
7. Pour the dressing over the contents, stir and let stand for 10 minutes so that it marinates a little.
8. Put it in a bowl or in a large flat plate in the form of a slide. Pour the resulting juice on top. Garnish with sprigs of curly parsley.

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