Euphorbia marginata
Brand: Seklos
Packaged:2,0 g
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Ex Tax: 1.30€
Whitemargined spurge "Snow on the Mountain" - Euphorbia marginata.
An unusually beautiful garden plant, on the flowering shoots of which the leaves have a white border. The plant is erect and bushy.
Euphorbia grows well in open sunny and semi-shaded places with loose, fertile soil. It grows better in soils with the addition of peat or compost.
Used for group and single plantings, borders, mixborders, and for planting shrubs.
Suitable for autumn bouquets and winter compositions.
Before sowing, the seeds are stratified (in the refrigerator in damp sand at a temperature of +3+5 °C) for 45-60 days.

* Grows wild in various areas of North America.
An annual plant with erect stems up to 80 cm tall. The leaves are numerous, oval, light green, up to 4 cm long. On flowering shoots during the flowering period, the edges of the upper leaves turn white, which makes the entire plant very decorative. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, surrounded by bracts with wide, white appendages.
Blooms from July until frost. Bears fruit. In culture since 1811.
By planting these varieties, poorly compatible colours of other plants are separated in flower beds - the eye rests on them. In addition, they are used for cutting and placing in large vases to complement compositions of large-flowered crops such as dahlias, roses, hollyhocks and even delphiniums. To do this, plants are uprooted. Before placing in vases, the roots are cut off, the juice is allowed to drain, the end of the stem is wiped or dipped in boiling water and immersed in water. The flowers last for more than a week.
Euphorbia bordered with seeds is propagated (1 g contains 60 pieces).
The place should be sunny, maybe in light partial shade, with sandy, poor soil without fertilizers. They are sown in March for seedlings and planted in the ground after the end of return frosts, which they cannot tolerate. The distance between plants is 30 cm.
The juice of these plants can cause skin irritation, so it is better to work with them with gloves.

Kirjulehine piimalill Euphorbia marginata Snow-on-the-mountain, Smoke-on-the-prairie, Variegated spurge, Whitemargined spurge Lumityräkki Broktörel Эуфорбия, Молочай окаймлённый
Eng.: Snow-on-the-mountain, Smoke-on-the-prairie, Variegated spurge, Whitemargined spurge.

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