Zinnia elegans L.
Brand: PNOS
Packaged:1,0 g
Ex Tax: 1.60€
Zinnia scabiosaflowered (mixture).
Bright carnival of colours in summer and autumn!
Plant height 60 cm. Flower diameter 6 cm. Light and heat-loving, fast-growing plant with erect stems. Inflorescences-baskets are terry, outwardly resembling scabiosa inflorescences.
The petals of the marginal reed flowers are large, the central flowers are smaller, slightly folded. This gives the whole inflorescence a very attractive appearance.
Used for flower beds and for cutting.
Agricultural technology.
Sowing: April for seedlings. Seedlings dive and after 7-10 days are fed 2-3 times with complex mineral fertilizer.
After the end of frost, hardened seedlings are planted in open ground at a distance of 30-35 cm between plants.
In the southern regions, sowing in open ground is possible, followed by thinning. Grows well in full sun with light, fertile soil.
Care: loves abundant watering and fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer.
Flowering: June to frost.

Elegant zinnia. Bot. syn.: Crassina elegans, Zinnia violacea.

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