Raphanus sativus L. var. sativus
Brand: Semo
Packaged:1,5 g
Discount vegetable seeds (shelf life 12.2025)
1.35€ 2.25€
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Radish "Vinara" F1 - Raphanus sativus L. var. sativus.
For sowing radishes, a site is chosen that emerges early from under the snow, with light, highly fertile soil.
The predecessors of radishes can be any vegetable crops, except for the cruciferous family. Before sowing, fertilizers are applied to the soil.
Radishes are sown at several times: at the end of April (the bed is covered with a film before germination), then, if necessary, sowing is carried out at intervals of 2-2.5 weeks, for winter storage, late-ripening varieties are sown in early August.
Seeds are sown in rows with a row spacing of 10-12 cm, a distance between seeds of 2-3 cm to a depth of 1-1.5 cm.
After germination, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil and keep it moist.
At the height of summer, with the longest daylight hours, planting radishes is recommended to be shaded.
To obtain an earlier and later harvest, radishes are grown in the protected ground (in spring, seeds are sown in early March, in autumn - in early September).


* Radish is one of the most popular early-ripening vegetables.
Three harvests of root crops can be collected from the same beds during a season. Loose, moist, fertile soils with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction are allocated for radishes.
On structureless and nutrient-poor soils, the vegetable does not form a root crop. Usually, radishes are sown in the ground from April 15 to May 15 and from August 15 to September 1.
This is due to the fact that heat and long daylight hours cause bolting, although there are varieties that can be grown throughout the gardening season (as soon as the ground thaws and until it freezes again).
When cultivating this crop, do not forget that large, fresh seeds are selected for sowing. To get a high yield, they must be sown evenly, shallowly embedded in the soil. Thickened crops do not form root crops.
Radish is cold-resistant, but does not tolerate dry and hot weather: the roots become flabby and bitter.
Radish loves loose, well-absorbing soil rich in fertilizers. For the first sowing, it is prepared in the fall and covered with film, and in the spring, before the snow melts, it is cleared and as soon as the ground thaws about 20 cm, it is loosened and sowing is carried out.
Add 1 bucket of rotted manure, 1 bucket of rotted sawdust (if you don’t have it, 1 bucket of turf soil and 1/2 bucket of river sand), 1/2 liter of wood ash, 1/4 liter of garden lime (dolomite flour), 1 tablespoon of superphosphate, 1 tablespoon of nitroammophoska, 1 tablespoon of urea (carbamide) and 1 teaspoon of potassium fertilizers (potassium chloride or sulfate) to the soil per 1 square meter. Sprinkle all of this evenly over the dug area and dig it up again, then level it with a rake and form a bed. The bed should not be very high or sloping, so that water doesn’t flow off it and stagnate, creating puddles. Sowing is carried out in transverse furrows made with a rod, 1 cm deep. The distance between the furrows is 5 cm, and between the seeds 2-3 cm, then the furrows are covered with the same soil, watered with warm water and covered with covering material (lutrasil, klimateks, agril and the like).
Usually, before the emergence of shoots, the bed covered with covering material does not need to be watered. After the seeds have sprouted, watering is carried out after 1-2 days, and less often in cold weather.
When the ovary reaches the size of a large pea, watering should be done daily at the rate of 1-2 buckets per square meter. The more intensive the watering, the juicier the radish and the less bitter it is.
The covering material can be left on throughout the entire period of radish cultivation, but to slow down growth at the fruiting stage, it is better to uncover it.

* Even the ancient Romans knew that radishes improve appetite, restore strength after illness, and the juice of this vegetable prevents hair loss. The skin of the ancient radish was dark, and the weight of one root vegetable reached 30 g.
Salads and desserts were prepared from radishes. Radish with honey was considered a ladies' dessert, and with vinegar and salt - a men's dessert.
Red and white varieties of radish were brought to Europe from China in the 13th century by the traveler Marco Polo.
There are currently 100 varieties of this vegetable in the world.
In many countries, radishes are served for breakfast, remembering that a few circles of this vegetable will provide a boost of energy for the whole day.

* Some rules for successfully growing radishes:
Rule No. 1: to get a good harvest, it is necessary to observe the sowing dates.
Radish is a short-day plant. For full growth and development, 12 hours are enough for it. If the day is too long, the plants quickly produce flower stalks, and if it is too short, they stretch out and are unable to form full-fledged root crops. Based on this, the optimal time for sowing radishes is April-May and the end of July-beginning of August. If necessary, you can use shading, for example, a frame covered with opaque material - this way the plants are given the necessary and sufficient 12-hour day.
Rule No. 2: concerns the choice of site.
Firstly, radishes need good lighting. In open sunny areas, the root crops are juicy and tender, while in the shade the plants go into the tops.
Secondly, the soil - radishes grow best on loose sandy loam with a slightly acidic reaction of the soil, it grows well on loose loamy soils and well-developed peatlands. Unstructured, infertile soils, where the vegetable does not form roots, as well as freshly fertilized, heavily waterlogged areas, are not suitable for this crop. Acidic soils are also not suitable for radishes, where it is affected by a dangerous disease - clubroot. The best predecessors for radishes are peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes.
Rule No. 3: radishes are not loosened, thinned out or weeded. Any attempts to do this lead to bolting. Among other secrets of successful radish cultivation, experts note that only full-weight, large seeds should be selected for sowing (to check their quality, dip them in a saline solution - those that float should be rejected). You cannot thicken crops - this leads to bolting of plants. Seeds are sown 2-4 cm apart, planting depth is 1 cm. The radish beds should always be loose and - especially important (!) - moist, otherwise the root crops will crack.
And finally: you can scare away such a pest as the cruciferous flea beetle from radishes by dusting the beds with ash, tobacco dust. Any non-woven covering material will also help preserve the harvest.

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