Mitmeaastane tihe pinnakattetaim kõrgusega kuni 6 cm, kuldne vaip peenrale, kuldsed padjad kiviktaimlasse. Katab kiiresti suured alad, väikesed tähekujulised õied on erekollased, õitseb intensiivselt juuli-august, muul ajal roheline. Talvitub hästi, kevadel tärkab vara, aga ilus on ainult avatud kohtades, kuivemal pinnasel.
Kasvuala: valgust armastav (välja arvatud hispaania kukehari), mis kannatab ka kerget varju. Varjus nad ei õitse ja varred venivad välja. Kuivuskindel. Kasvavad ühel kohal kuni 5 aastat.
Muld: pole nõudlikud, kasvavad hästi igal pinnasel kuid eelistavad mulda kuhu on lisatud komposti.
Hooldus: külma ei karda keskvööndi liigid (valge, vale jt) lõunapoolsemad liigid (hispaania jt) vajavad talveks katmist. Võivad kannatada talvekahjustuste käes kuid samas taastuvad kiiresti. Iga 3-6 aasta tagant tuleb neid puhmaid ümber istutada või jaotada. Mõnedel liikidel soovitatakse peale õitsemist õievarred ära lõigata kuna nad rikuvad edaspidist taime väljanägemist. Hooldusel tuleb silmas pidada pidevat rohimist kuna nad võivad kergesti umbrohtuda.
Origin: Greenland to the tip of South America.
Special Features: The first creamy-white flowering seed strain of Sedum acre.
History: Introduced by Jelitto in 2005.
Colour: Creamy white.
Natural Flowering Period: June - August.
Winter Hardiness Zones: Z4-8.
Growth Habit: Mat-forming.
Foliage: Dainty, drought-resistant leaves.
Height with Flower: 6 cm.
Spacing between Plants: 30 cm.
Soil Requirement: Well-drained soils; 6.8 - 7.2 pH.
Location: Full sun.
Use: Great rock garden selection for dry sites or in containers.
Specialities: Outstanding, low-growing groundcover.
Cultural Tips: Grams per 1000 seeds: 0,05. Seeds per Gram: 20000.
Seeding Recommendation: 0,25 g /1000 plants.
Sowing Rate: 5 seeds per cell.
Plug tray recommended size: 128 or 288.
Germination: These are very tiny seeds which should be mixed with finest sand or talcum for an even sowing. Do not cover with compost, only press them in gently. Irrigate from the bottom or with a hand-sprayer, so that the seeds will not be washed away. Rapidly germinating, keep seed in constant moisture (not wet) with temperatures of about +20°C. Do not cover the seed but tightly press into the earth. Keep in cooler conditions after germination occurs.
Best Sowing Dates: Anytime.
Sowing to Germination: 2 - 3 weeks.
Germination to Transplant: 4 - 6 weeks.
Transplanting to Salable Plant: 6 - 8 weeks.
Cutting-Back at Transplanting: Not Necessary.
Growing On: Container Size(s): 1 plug per 8/9 cm; 1-2 plugs per 11/12 cm.
Vernalization: A prudent recommendation would be to provide 6-12 weeks at an average daily temperature of 5°C. Exposure to cold may not be necessary for flowering but might improve quality.
Forcing: An obvious place to experiment - following vernalization - would be raising daytime temperatures to (15° - 17°C). Provide 16 hours of continuous lighting. During the short days of winter, provide a night interruption lighting of 4 hours between 10:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. Fertilization: Light (100-150 ppm).
Eng.: Wall pepper, biting stonecrop, common stonecrop, goldmoss stonecrop. Suom.: Keltamaksaruoho, katkera maksaruoho. Sven.: Gul fetknopp, bitterknopp, munkpeppar.