Kiiresti ja kergesti kasvav vähenõudlik toataim. Kõrgus kuni 50 cm. Õitseb suvel ja sügisel. Lehed rohelised, vahtralehe kujulised. Suured kellukataolised õied erineva värvusega. Taim eelistab valgusrikast kasvukohta kuid ilma otseste päikesekiirteta. Suvel on vajalik regulaarne rikkalik kastmine, kasulik on pritsimine, talvel mõõdukas kastmine. Varred kärbitakse varakevadel, et suurendada okste hulka. Istutatakse ümber igal kevadel. Seemned külvatakse märtsis- aprillis pottidesse liivakrunti, veidi kattes niike liivaga. Külvikast kaetakse klaasiga ja asetatakse sooja valgustatud kohta. Optimaalne idanemistemperatuur on +20 kraadi. Idanemise aeg 14-21 päeva.
Pakis 5 seemet.
* Abutilon või Toakask.
Kassinaeriliste perekonnast. Kodumaaks Brasiilia. Abutilon- igihaljs rikkalikult õitsev kiirestikasvav taim kõrgusega kuni 1,5 meetrit väikeste pehmete sõrmjate lehtedega pika varre otsas. Lehed võivad olla kas rohelised või kirjud, valgete või heledate laikudega. Õitseb maist oktoobrini kellukakujuliste õitega, ripuvad alla pikkade õieraagudena. Abutilon tahab palju ruumi. Suvel on hea taim õue viia. Vaatamata eksootilisele välimusele on taim küllaltki vähenõudlik, teda võib soovitada algajale lillekasvatajale.
Taim on valgustarmastav, eelistab otsest päikesevalgust, talub sooja ja niisket õhku, aga ei armasta tuuletõmmet. Kasta rikkalikult kevadest sügiseni, talvel mõõdukalt. Kasulik on mõnikord lehti piserdada. Kevadest sügiseni tuleb kindlasti regulaarselt väetada.
Heaks okste hargnemiseks tuleks varakevadel kärpida okste tippe, pool nende pikkusest. Talvine temperatuur hoida +12+15 kraadi, madalama temperatuuriga võib lehed langetada.
Paljundatakse kevadel lõigatud oksaladva pistikutega või pungadega. Võrsed pannakse vette või turba-liiva segusse temperatuuril +20+25 kraadi.
Võib paljundada ka seemnetega, et istutusaastal õitsema hakkaks, tuleks seemned maha külvata jaanuaris. Järgmise aasta kevadel tuleks ümber istutada potti, mille maht on natuke suurem eelmisest potist, sest rikkalikult õitseb ta ainult siis, kui mullapall on kompaktne ümber juurestiku.
Muld: segu kamar-, huumuse- ja lehemullast, turbast ja liivast (1:1:1:1:1).
Kahjurid: lehetäi, lestavõrk, kilbik.
Flowering Season: Summer .
Light Requirements: Sun to afternoon shade.
Flower Color: Yellow, white, red, orange.
Height: 16 inches.
Spacing: 18 inches.
Comments: Spread of 4 to 5 feet; prefers rich soil; keep uniformly moist; normally grown as a house plant.
Cultivars: Variegatum (yellow mottled leaves).
Potting of abutilon.
Flowering Maples can be grown in the tropical and subtropical regions of both hemispheres. These plants are mainly suitable for growing along warm, sheltered walls, cool greenhouses or sunrooms, although Abutilon suntense, Abutilon vitifolium and their varieties are suitable for growing as freestanding plants in sheltered, sunny locations. Flowering Maples do well in average, dry soil though rich soil consisting of two-thirds loam, one-third leaf mold and decayed manure is the best. When they are grown indoors, repotting should be done in the spring, as soon as new growth begins, at which time they are transplanted to slightly larger pots. Keep them in a warm and humid atmosphere for a few weeks and sprits them with water often. When they ve formed a sufficient root system, they will flourish in full sun and good air circulation. Give them biweekly applications of liquid fertilizer. If they aren t receiving enough nutrients, the lower leaves will die. The soil should be kept drier during the winter, but not so much that the stems wither. Plants that are growing in pots or tubs in the greenhouse should have the topsoil replaced, in the spring, with the soil mixture described above. When this plant is grown as a climbing plant, the side shoots on the main branches should be cut back in March to within two or three buds of the base of the previous summer s growth. Old, weak branches are cut out. During the summer, the new shoots are tied to wire supports as they grow. Plants in pots are pruned in March, the shoots of the previous year s growth being pruned in half and kept warm and moist in a 55- to 60-degree temperature.
Propagation of abutilon.
Cuttings can be taken at almost any time of the year. They should be taken in March to produce pot plants in the fall and winter or in August to grow into plants used for summer bedding outside the following year. Side shoots, about 3 inches long, are taken off with a piece of the branch attached and placed in a propagating case in a warm greenhouse. Roots should form in three or four weeks. When they ve formed roots, they should be potted individually in 3-inch pots and later, into larger ones. They ll bloom in 6- or 7-inch containers. When they are grown from cuttings in August, they should be repotted into 3-inch pots in which they ll remain until February, when they re transplanted to 5-inch pots. They should gradually be hardened off and planted outside when the weather is warm and settled. Flowering Maples can be grown from seeds sown in pots of finely sifted soil, in the spring, in a temperature of 55 degrees. The baby plants are potted and treated in the same way as cuttings, but they won t flower until the following year.
Eng.: Flowering maple, Indian mallow. Fin.: VAAHTERA-AULIO. Sven.: Blomsterlönn. Bot. syn.: Abutilon darwinii x Abutilon pictum.