Kuningakepp "Sunset Boulevard" Oenothera versicolor
Такую экзотику трудно даже вообразить! Ангельски красивое растение сплошь усыпанное крупными оранжево-бронзовыми цветками на концах стеблей. Крупные, шелковистые цветки имеют форму блюдца и хорошо смотрятся в букетах. Энотера широко используется для групповых посадок, оформления заднего плана цветников и миксбордеров.
рано весной в открытый грунт гнездами по 3-4 семени на расстояние 15-20 см или осенью (под зиму на рассадочные гряды). Всходы прореживают, оставляя в гнезде 1-2 растения.
Предпочитает открытые, солнечные места с хорошо дренированной почвой. В сухую погоду необходим полив. Положительно отзывается на подкормки. Раз в несколько лет энотеру омолаживают весенним делением кустов.
на второй год с июня до августа. Отцветшие побеги регулярно обрезают.
The thrusting flower spikes of Sunset Boulevard are wrapped in attractive lanceolate leaves and topped with a crown of buds that burst in succession. Blooms open bright orange, and deepen to red as they mature. Enchanting! HP - Hardy perennial. Height 45-60cm.
CULTURE: Sow under glass February-March to flower August-October, or sow August-September to bloom August-September the following year.
HINTS: Ideal for beds and borders, patio pots and containers. Prefers full sun.
Flowering Time: August-October.
Hardy Herbaceous Perennial. Flowers: Summer. Height: 24 inches. Position: Full Sun. Ideal For: Bedding, Border, Cottage Garden. Germination: Experience Useful. Aftercare: Easy. Description: Well branched plants, red stemmed with rich green, lanceolate foliage. The striking flowers are in whorls, vivid orange/red when fully open and when over, turn to red. Like many Oenotheras, the combination of open and spent bloom together, is stunning. This very choice plant makes a wonderful addition to the perennial border and because it flowers in its first year from sowing, it also makes an attractive annual. Sowing Instructions: Sow from late winter to mid spring on the surface of a good seed compost just covering the seed with a thin layer of compost or vermiculite. Germination takes 14- 21 days at 10-15C (50-60F). Don't exclude light, sealing in a polythene bag after sowing is helpful. Growing Instructions: When large enough to handle, transplant the seedlings to boxes or 7.5cm (3in) pots, and grow on in cooler conditions. When well grown gradually acclimatise to outdoor conditions and plant out in late spring after all risk of frost has passed, 30cm (12in) apart in full sun and ordinary well drained soil. Aftercare Instructions Cut down to ground level in late autumn.
рано весной в открытый грунт гнездами по 3-4 семени на расстояние 15-20 см или осенью (под зиму на рассадочные гряды). Всходы прореживают, оставляя в гнезде 1-2 растения.
Предпочитает открытые, солнечные места с хорошо дренированной почвой. В сухую погоду необходим полив. Положительно отзывается на подкормки. Раз в несколько лет энотеру омолаживают весенним делением кустов.
на второй год с июня до августа. Отцветшие побеги регулярно обрезают.
The thrusting flower spikes of Sunset Boulevard are wrapped in attractive lanceolate leaves and topped with a crown of buds that burst in succession. Blooms open bright orange, and deepen to red as they mature. Enchanting! HP - Hardy perennial. Height 45-60cm.
CULTURE: Sow under glass February-March to flower August-October, or sow August-September to bloom August-September the following year.
HINTS: Ideal for beds and borders, patio pots and containers. Prefers full sun.
Flowering Time: August-October.
Hardy Herbaceous Perennial. Flowers: Summer. Height: 24 inches. Position: Full Sun. Ideal For: Bedding, Border, Cottage Garden. Germination: Experience Useful. Aftercare: Easy. Description: Well branched plants, red stemmed with rich green, lanceolate foliage. The striking flowers are in whorls, vivid orange/red when fully open and when over, turn to red. Like many Oenotheras, the combination of open and spent bloom together, is stunning. This very choice plant makes a wonderful addition to the perennial border and because it flowers in its first year from sowing, it also makes an attractive annual. Sowing Instructions: Sow from late winter to mid spring on the surface of a good seed compost just covering the seed with a thin layer of compost or vermiculite. Germination takes 14- 21 days at 10-15C (50-60F). Don't exclude light, sealing in a polythene bag after sowing is helpful. Growing Instructions: When large enough to handle, transplant the seedlings to boxes or 7.5cm (3in) pots, and grow on in cooler conditions. When well grown gradually acclimatise to outdoor conditions and plant out in late spring after all risk of frost has passed, 30cm (12in) apart in full sun and ordinary well drained soil. Aftercare Instructions Cut down to ground level in late autumn.
Eng.: Evening Primrose.