Beta vulgaris L. var. Crassa Mansf.
Merkki: Franchi
Pakkauksessa:100,0 g
Veroton: 2.45€
Rehujuurikas "Jaune d Eckendorf".
Pitkä, vahva juuri, jossa on oranssinkeltainen malto ja kuori. Terveet naatit. Hyvä lajike varastointia ajatellen.

Mid-season, highly productive variety. The root crop is cylindrical, large, yellow with a green head. The pulp is yellow, juicy. It grows, protruding 2/3 above the ground. Weight from 250 to 950 g. Recommended as pet food. The variety is valued for its stable yield, resistance to flowering, uniformity of root crops and high nutritional value.


 Suom.: Rehujuurikas. Beta vulgaris L. var. Crassa Mansf.

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