Polemonium carneum L.
Merkki: Jelitto
Pakkauksessa:0,045 g (15-20 s.)
Veroton: 1.45€
Lehtosinilatva "Apricot Delight" - Polemonium carneum.
Snabbt groende frön. Sädden ska hållas jämnt oeh väi fuktig - men inte blöt - oeh temperaturen vid ca. +20°C.
Fröet täeks myeket tunt - riktigt små frön täeks inte alls men tryeks försiktigt ner i jordytan. När groningen börjat placeras sådden något svalare oeh ljust.

Royal Jacob s-ladder. 
For the rockgarden; winterprotection needed; 
V-VII, Z4-8, 40 cm;
Gram to per 1000 plants = 3,0 g.
Rapidly germinating, keep seed in constamt moisture (not wet) with temperatures of about +20 oC. Seeds must be covered thinly. Do not cover very small seeds, but tightly press into the earth. Keep in cooler conditions after germination occurs.

A rare and delicate combination of apricot and lilac flowers, produced in a great quantity over dark green foliage. Ideal for brightening up a shady area, border edges and cut flower use.
Soft bunches of pinky-apricot blossoms sit atop tall stems above the attractive green, compound foliage from late spring thru early summer. This is a unique color for polemoniums and it is very easy to grow. It looks equally at home in woodland settings or rock gardens. "Apricot Delight" tends to self-seed, producing lots of plants to share with friends and neighbors.

Homeowner Growing & Maintenance Tips:
Easy to grow, polemoniums prefer a cool, moist environment with protection from afternoon sun. Deadheading will encourage sporadic reblooming in late summer. Though it seldom needs to be divided, it may be done in spring or fall.

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