Slender "candles" of inflorescences, rich and rare aroma are the visiting card of Levkoy.
Annual cold-resistant and light-loving herb 50-60 cm tall.
The flowers are regular, double, bright cherry-red, very fragrant, collected 10-20 in dense racemose inflorescences of various lengths. Still, the main advantage of this annual is its enchanting aroma, which intensifies in the evening.
It has long been planted levkoy near benches, gazebos, terraces. It is grown in mixed flower beds, sometimes used in a Moorish lawn. It is also good for bouquets. Levkoy can be planted in flower beds and on bedsteads, in containers, street vases and balcony boxes.
* Levkoy - the most valuable summer for cutting, keeping the freshness of inflorescences for up to 10 days, filling the room with aroma.
Plants look chic in clusters in sunny corners of the garden and are great for decorating the background of prefabricated flower beds. Choose a sunny place for it with a light, acid-neutral soil, water it regularly (without waterlogging) and periodically feed it with complex mineral fertilizer. To extend the flowering season, sow seeds in two terms: for seedlings in March, and outdoors in late April or May.
For seedling cultivation with emergence, it is desirable to lower the temperature and give more light. Picking into pots at the cotyledon stage, 10-12 days after germination.
Levkoy is cold-resistant, so seedlings can be planted in open ground from the beginning of May.
Location: Levkoy grows well in various soil and climatic conditions with sufficient soil and air moisture. Reaches the greatest decorative effect in open sunny places. Does not tolerate stagnant water and prolonged drought.
Soil: prefers fertile, non-acidic, soddy loamy or soddy sandy loam soil. In the year of planting, organic fertilizers cannot be applied.
Care: Levkoi are grown with constant feeding and watering in dry weather. Since pods are not formed in terry plants of Levkoy, the flowers that fade from below are robbed only in order to preserve the fresh appearance of the plant. If you leave them, the flowering will not stop.
Levkoi should not be planted in a place where other cruciferous plants were grown. They can be affected by the cruciferous keela - a fungal disease that affects cabbages and other plants of this family. It must be borne in mind that the causative agent of the keel retains the ability to infect plants for many years. In addition to the keel, the levkoy can be affected by all other pests and diseases, including cruciferous flea beetles, cabbage butterflies, white beetles, and so on.
Reproduction: for June flowering, seeds are sown in mid-March in boxes with a mixture of turf and sand in a ratio of 3: 1. When seedlings appear, the temperature in the greenhouse is reduced to + 8 + 12 ° C, and the boxes are placed closer to the light. After 10-12 days, at the stage of cotyledons, the seedlings dive into nutrient cubes or pots and after a while are taken out to greenhouses. For picking, a mixture of sod, leafy soil and sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 1 is used.
Hardened seedlings of Levkoy easily tolerate a drop in temperature to -5 ° C, it can be planted in the ground in a permanent place earlier, keeping a distance of 20-25 cm during planting.To ensure the continuity of flowering of Levkoy throughout the summer, re-crops are carried out every 10-15 days.
Eng.: Tenweeks stock.