Achnatherum calamagrostis
Brand: Jelitto
Packaged:0,02 g
Availability:In Stock
Ex Tax: 3.35€
Silver Spike GrassAchnatherum calamagrostis = Stipa calamogrostis is a Perennial herb from the Poaceae family, known by the common names spike grass, needle grass.
Origin: grows in clearings and screes in the mountains of central and southern Europe.
It grows in islands of blue-green leaves and long silvery feathers.
Natural flowering period: June - September.
Foliage: plain, herbaceous, dark green, showy in autumn.
Flowering plant height: 80 cm.
Distance between plants: 70 cm.
Winter hardiness zones: Z5 - Z8.
Soil requirements: dry, calcareous.
Usage: suitable for cutting.
1.0 g = 1700 seeds.

Bot. syn.: Agrostis calamagrostis L., Calamagrostis argentea DC., Lasiagrostis argentea Link, nom. nud., Lasiagrostis calamagrostis (L.) Link, Streptachne calamagrostis (L.) Dumort.

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