Phlox drummondii grandiflora
Brand: Ural
Packaged:0,1 g
1.29€ 1.40€
Ex Tax: 1.05€
Phlox "Isabellina".
An unpretentious garden annual with flowers of a pleasant cream color, combined with lush green leaves.
The plant is 40 cm tall, branched from the base. The flowers are 3 cm in diameter, wide open, collected in dense shields at the tops of the stems.
Flowering begins in June-July and continues until frost. When planted in groups, it looks great in garden compositions and serves as a decoration for borders and ridges.
A light and heat-loving plant, regular watering is required for good flowering. It is not picky about soil but blooms better in fertile soil. It is sown for seedlings from the end of March; it can be grown by sowing in open ground at the earliest possible date. Planting distance 20-25 cm.

The only annual representative of the genus. Distributed in the USA from Texas to Florida and Georgia. Grows on sandy soils in the prairies.
Stems are thin, erect, 30–45 cm tall, highly branched, sticky. Seeds remain viable for 1-2 years. Gives self-seeding. There are up to 550 seeds in 1 g.
In culture since 1835.

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