Papaver nudicaule
Brand: Franchi
Packaged:1,5 g
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Arctic poppy "Excelsior" mix (Iceland Poppy) - Papaver nudicaule.
An amazing perennial plant with large flowers will decorate your garden when nature does not please with riotous color.
Height up to 60 cm, diameter of inflorescences up to 12 cm.
Decorative poppy is given not only by flowers, but also by large pinnately dissected dark green leaves with a silvery sheen.
A plant that combines sophistication and grace will be a worthy decoration for your flower beds and rock gardens.
He is also great in groups on the lawn. This poppy stays in a bouquet for a long time, if you cut it in the bud phase and burn the tip of the stem with a match.
Sowing: in March - April for seedlings or in May in open ground.
Seeds require preliminary stratification: sow the seeds, cover with glass and place in the refrigerator (temperature +5 + 7 ° C).
Crops are kept under such conditions for a month, then transferred to room conditions. At a temperature of + 16 + 18 ° C, shoots appear on the 10-14th day.
Seedlings dive at the stage of two true leaves, trying not to damage the root during transplantation. Seedlings are planted in open ground at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other.
Suitable for any well-drained soil and sunny location. Water in dry weather.
Flowering: May - June. Self-sowing and good shelter for the winter makes it possible to extend the life span.
Poppy goes well with perennials, blooming white and blue flowers (chamomile, delphinium, sage) and ornamental grasses.
Soil: undemanding to the soil. Poorly tolerate stagnant water.
Care: respond well to the application of mineral and organic fertilizers.
This gives the leaves a rich dark green color, and the flowers - larger sizes, color - brightness.
Caring for poppies is not burdensome - weeding, loosening, watering in drought, pinching off faded flowers.
Perennial poppies are propagated by seeds, root and green cuttings. Seeds are sown in early spring. They germinate in two weeks.
Seedlings dive with the appearance of 1-2 true leaves immediately to a permanent place (they are painfully transplanted, so it is better to immediately plant them in a permanent place).
Use: look beautiful in mixborders, groups, flower gardens, rocky gardens and cut, but do not last long.
In early spring, plant a few young plants in pots - later it will be difficult to dig them out, as the plants quickly form a long tap root.
Wait for the potted poppies to bloom and plant them where they match. Bright luxurious poppies are known even to those who have never grown flowers.
Because without the colorful carpet of these plants it is impossible to imagine the warmth and joy of the middle of summer.
However, perennial poppies can enchant us not only with flowers, but also with the grace of leaf rosettes.

Eng.: Iceland Poppy, Arctic Poppy. Bot.syn.: Papaver croceum Ledeb., Papaver amurense, Papaver miyabeanum, Papaver macounii.

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