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One of the best quality round hybrids, with smooth, dark red skin and flesh, and a small taproot.
Ideal for growing as baby beets and delicious in salads. Stands well without bolting or going woody.
Cropping: harvest June onwards.
Sowing Instructions: sow March to July thinly, 1 cm deep in drills 30 cm apart.
Growing Instructions: thin seedlings to about 2 cm for "baby beets" or to 5-7 cm for larger roots. Use the thinnings in salads.
Aftercare Instructions: keep well watered during dry weather.
Harvesting Note: roots can be lifted in late Autumn, tops twisted off, and stored in boxes of dry sand or peat in a frost free shed or garage.
1 gram = 80 seeds.
* Beetroot is a valuable vegetable crop.
Beetroot roots are well stored, so they can be consumed fresh all year round.
Beetroot is relatively drought-resistant and not very demanding on soil fertility. Increased need for moisture - only at the initial stage of growth, before the formation of the leaf rosette. At the same time, beetroot does not tolerate waterlogged soil - root crops acquire an unpleasant taste, plants become prone to diseases.
Timing and methods of sowing.
You can sow in two stages - in early spring to obtain early products and in summer for winter storage. Sow when the soil at a depth of 10-12 cm warms up to at least +7+10°C.
To speed up germination, especially if the sowing dates are missed, beet seeds are soaked. Do not sow soaked seeds in cold or dry soil.
When sowing cleanly, the rows should be placed in strips every 40-45 cm, and between the lines - 20-25 cm. You can sow in wide furrows (8-10 cm), placing them every 17-22 cm. The depth of seeding is 2-3 cm.
In summer, beets are sown no later than mid-July.
In both spring and summer crops, in the northern regions, they practice growing table beets from seedlings.
Seedlings are planted at the age of 30-40 days. In a personal plot, beets are rarely grown as a separate crop - in most cases, they are planted as a thickener with cucumbers, potatoes, along the borders of ridges and irrigation canals.
Beets grow well next to carrots - the quality and taste of beets improves.
Beet seeds are a multi-fruited fruit (balls) that form 4-5 sprouts, and therefore it is important to thin them out in a timely manner.
The first thinning is carried out in the phase of the first true leaf, leaving the plants every 1-2 cm, the second at 4-5 leaves, so that the plants are located every 3-4 cm.
After 25-30 days, thin them out completely, leaving them every 6-8 cm. The strongest plants are left. It is advisable to fertilize them during the second and third thinning.
Further care consists of weeding and loosening the spaces between the rows. Water only in case of dry weather.
Harvesting and storage.
Root crops are harvested in late autumn before the onset of frost. When harvesting, the root crops are cleaned of soil and the leaves are cut off.
You should not allow damage to the heads, because they are stored worse.
Red Beet. Beta vulgaris var. conditiva Alef.