Common bent grass (browntop)
Common bent - Agrostis capillaris.
Ornamental perennial grass up to 50 cm high, which looks beautiful from early spring to late autumn.
Graceful bent leaves, due to the thin structure of the leaf, form a soft and velvety tussock. The bent grass is characterized by the formation of dense turf and disease resistance. It develops well in various climatic conditions. Prefers fertile, slightly acidic soils, but also tolerates poor, acidic, as well as sand and gravel.
It can be planted in flowerbeds or used to create beautiful flower arrangements in a naturalistic style. It grows in one place for many years.
1.0 g = 12000-17000 seeds.
Ornamental perennial grass up to 50 cm high, which looks beautiful from early spring to late autumn.
Graceful bent leaves, due to the thin structure of the leaf, form a soft and velvety tussock. The bent grass is characterized by the formation of dense turf and disease resistance. It develops well in various climatic conditions. Prefers fertile, slightly acidic soils, but also tolerates poor, acidic, as well as sand and gravel.
It can be planted in flowerbeds or used to create beautiful flower arrangements in a naturalistic style. It grows in one place for many years.
1.0 g = 12000-17000 seeds.

Bent grass. Bot. syn.: Agrostis tenuis L., Agrostis vulgaris With.