Clarkia elegans
Brand: PNOS
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Mountain Garland (Elegant Clarkia mix) - Clarkia elegans.
Especially good in bouquets!
A cold-resistant and unpretentious annual plant from the Cypreaceae family with branched stems 60-70 cm high.
The flowers are white, pink, purple in colour (up to 3-4 cm in diameter). Blooms profusely from late June to late August. Excellent honey plant.
Clarkia is cold-resistant and photophilous, undemanding to soils. They are sown in open ground in April (it is possible before winter - on light soils).
They are thinned at a distance of 20-25 cm. They are used for planting in groups, in flowerbeds, flower beds, and for cutting.

Title: named after the American captain W. Clark.
Location: light-loving plants, fairly cold-resistant. Requires open sunny places.
Soil: Prefer dry, loose and fertile soils. On oily soil, plants lie down.
Care: usual - watering in dry weather and top dressing every 2 weeks. Old flowers and ovaries are removed, which significantly prolongs flowering.
Reproduction: by seeds, which are sown in April in open ground or a semi-warm greenhouse. The seeds are small, 1.1-1.6 long and up to 1 mm wide. Colouring is brownish-brown. 1 g contains 3200-3600 seeds (they remain viable for up to 4 years).
Seedlings appear 10-12 days after sowing. Seedlings dive in 3 seedlings in 9 cm pots and are kept in greenhouses before planting in the ground, which must be thoroughly ventilated.
Landing in the ground is necessarily carried out with a large wet clod of earth, maintaining a distance between plants of 20-25 cm.
Plant transplantation is easily tolerated only at an early age.
Planted in a permanent place at the end of May, hardened plants are not afraid of light frosts. 
To obtain compact, profusely flowering bushes, pinch the tops of young plants at a height of 12 cm, after which they branch well and are completely covered with flowers.
Use: for group plantings, flowerbeds, flowerbeds and cutting. She is especially good in bouquets. You can cut off small branches, or pull out the whole plant.
Having cut off the roots and lower leaves, it is immediately put into the water. In the vases of the Clarkia, all the buds are blooming.

Clarkia elegans, Elegantne klarkia 

Exposure: Full sun.
Hardiness: Hardy.
Soil type: Moist, Well-drained/light.
Height: 60-70 cm.
Spread: 40 cm.
Time to plant seeds: September to June .
Clarkia is an easy-to-grow, hardy annual. It produces branched plants that bear deeply cut, lilac-purple flowers. Plants are best sown in groups to achieve a dramatic display. Sow seeds from September to June. Clarkia is an excellent plant to introduce children to growing flowers.

Eng.: Elegant Clarkia, Garland Flower, Mountain Garland. Suom.: Punaklarkia, Komeasilkkikukka. Sven.: Clarkia. Bot. syn.: Clarkia elegans, Clarkia concinna, Clarkia unguiculata.

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