Bellis perennis
Brand: Legutko
Packaged:0,1 g
Availability:In Stock
Ex Tax: 1.55€
Common daisy "Pomponette" - Bellis perennis.
Beautiful and profusely flowering spring plants!
Plant height 15-20 cm. Inflorescences of spherical type, 3-4 cm in diameter.
Surprisingly bright daisy with a thick bright scarlet cap on a strong stem.
The plant is compact, with a large number of strong, non-lodging peduncles. Characterized by rapid growth, good health and high frost resistance.
A wonderful border and container daisy forms an even flowering carpet with very early and long flowering (up to 3 months).
Sowing: June-July in seed beds. The seeds are small (1.0 g = 5000-6000 pieces).
Seedlings dive according to the scheme 10x10 cm, and in August they are planted in open ground in a permanent place. Planting distance 20 cm between plants.
Daisies can also be transplanted while in bloom. Blooms usually in the second year.
Care: unpretentious to growing conditions. Daisies grow in any well-drained soil, but prefer moderately fertile, light soil.
Require regular watering. With a lack of moisture, the flowers become smaller and lose their doubleness. Rare top dressing with a solution of complex mineral fertilizer is recommended.

Eng.: Common daisy, Bruisewort, English daisy, Lawndaisy, Meadow daisy.

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