Foxglove "Foxy" (Bloody fingers, Dead men's bells) mix
Foxglove "Foxy" colours mixture (Fairy caps, Gloves of our lady, Virgin's glove) - Digitalis purpurea.
The plant is 70-100 cm high, forming tall thorny inflorescences of spotted multi-colored flowers developing from bottom to top.
Blooms from July to September.
An excellent plant for tall beds and cut flowers.
Sowing seeds in March for seedlings. To a permanent place in April-May, 30x40 cm.
Requires a sunny location, fertile and well-drained soil.

Foxglove, Bloody fingers, Dead men's bells, Fairy caps, Fairy thimbles, Fairy's glove, Folk's glove, Gloves of our lady, Virgin's glove, Witches gloves.
The plant is 70-100 cm high, forming tall thorny inflorescences of spotted multi-colored flowers developing from bottom to top.
Blooms from July to September.
An excellent plant for tall beds and cut flowers.
Sowing seeds in March for seedlings. To a permanent place in April-May, 30x40 cm.
Requires a sunny location, fertile and well-drained soil.

Foxglove, Bloody fingers, Dead men's bells, Fairy caps, Fairy thimbles, Fairy's glove, Folk's glove, Gloves of our lady, Virgin's glove, Witches gloves.