Foxtail millet (Bristlegrass)
Bristlegrass (Foxtail millet, Setarie) - Setaria macrostachya.
Ideal decorative dried flower!
An annual herbaceous plant, 80 to 140 cm high, with broadly linear leaves up to 1.5 cm wide.
Stems erect. The inflorescence is cylindrical, dense, up to 25 cm long, fluffy, with green, yellowish or dark purple bristles.
Blooms from July to August.
Bristle grass is very photophilous, cold-resistant, relatively drought-resistant and not demanding on soils. Watering is needed for seed germination, if it is very dry and hot. 2-3 top dressings after thinning increase growth and flowering. Large bristle panicles are an excellent material for fresh and dry bouquets. They are also beautiful on a rocky hill and in a mixborder.
Location: Setaria is very photophilous, cold-resistant, relatively drought-resistant and not demanding on soils.
Care: watering is needed for seed germination, if it is very dry and hot. 2-3 top dressings after thinning increase growth and flowering.
Reproduction: seeds, 1 g of them 360 pieces. To obtain 100 plants, you need 0.5 g of seeds.
Sow in open ground in May in nests of 3-4 seeds at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other. In order for the flowering to be early, in April the seeds are sown in pots for seedlings.
Shoots appear in 8-10 days. They must be thinned out, otherwise the flowering will be weak.
Usage: large panicles of setaria are excellent material for fresh and dry bouquets. They are also beautiful on a rocky hill and in a mixborder.

Eng.: Setarie (Stubble-Covered), Bristlegrass. Bot. syn.: Chaetochloa gibbosa Scribn. et Merr., Chaetochloa macrostachya (Kunth) Scribn. et Merr., Chaetochloa rigida Scribn. et Merr., Chamaeraphis macrostachya (Kunth) Kuntze ex Stuck., Panicum macrostachyum (Kunth) Nees, Panicum vulpisetum Lam., Setaria berlandieri R.A.W.Herrm., Setaria commutata Hack., Setaria gibbosa (Scribn. et Merr.) Schum., Setaria inopinata Toolin, Setaria vulpiseta (Lam.)
Ideal decorative dried flower!
An annual herbaceous plant, 80 to 140 cm high, with broadly linear leaves up to 1.5 cm wide.
Stems erect. The inflorescence is cylindrical, dense, up to 25 cm long, fluffy, with green, yellowish or dark purple bristles.
Blooms from July to August.
Bristle grass is very photophilous, cold-resistant, relatively drought-resistant and not demanding on soils. Watering is needed for seed germination, if it is very dry and hot. 2-3 top dressings after thinning increase growth and flowering. Large bristle panicles are an excellent material for fresh and dry bouquets. They are also beautiful on a rocky hill and in a mixborder.
Location: Setaria is very photophilous, cold-resistant, relatively drought-resistant and not demanding on soils.
Care: watering is needed for seed germination, if it is very dry and hot. 2-3 top dressings after thinning increase growth and flowering.
Reproduction: seeds, 1 g of them 360 pieces. To obtain 100 plants, you need 0.5 g of seeds.
Sow in open ground in May in nests of 3-4 seeds at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other. In order for the flowering to be early, in April the seeds are sown in pots for seedlings.
Shoots appear in 8-10 days. They must be thinned out, otherwise the flowering will be weak.
Usage: large panicles of setaria are excellent material for fresh and dry bouquets. They are also beautiful on a rocky hill and in a mixborder.

Eng.: Setarie (Stubble-Covered), Bristlegrass. Bot. syn.: Chaetochloa gibbosa Scribn. et Merr., Chaetochloa macrostachya (Kunth) Scribn. et Merr., Chaetochloa rigida Scribn. et Merr., Chamaeraphis macrostachya (Kunth) Kuntze ex Stuck., Panicum macrostachyum (Kunth) Nees, Panicum vulpisetum Lam., Setaria berlandieri R.A.W.Herrm., Setaria commutata Hack., Setaria gibbosa (Scribn. et Merr.) Schum., Setaria inopinata Toolin, Setaria vulpiseta (Lam.)