An elegant series of low marigolds for decorating borders, flowerpots, flowerpots and balcony boxes, forming a branched bush 25-35 cm high with orange inflorescences 4-5 cm in diameter. Blooms from June until frost. Marigolds are photophilous and thermophilic, they do not tolerate frosts, they are undemanding to soils, but they prefer fertile, light soils. Sowing for seedlings is carried out in the second half of March-early April. Seedlings appear 4-8 days after sowing, seedlings dive in the phase of the 2nd true leaf. Seedlings are planted in early June with a distance between plants of 30-35 cm. Sowing in open ground is carried out in May at a depth of 1.5-2 cm.
French marigold. Bot. syn.: Tagetes corymbosa Sweet, Tagetes remotiflora Kunze.
* Tagetes or marigolds, with proper care, survive the most intense heat. At the same time, watering is required very moderately - the soil cannot be over-moistened because marigolds can be affected by fungal diseases of the roots.
Marigolds are propagated by seeds: they are sown in March - early April in greenhouses or boxes, sprinkled with earth. After 5-6 days (at a temperature of +18 °C) the first shoots break through, when the 2nd leaf appears, they are pricked out. The required level of air humidity is 90-95%.
Seedlings are planted in the ground (pH 5.5-6.0) in early June. The soil under the marigolds is loosened, weeded and must be watered in the first half of summer.
In long-term dry weather, marigolds are affected by spider mites and, if they are not treated, they can die.