Carrot "Jõgeva Nantes"
Carrot  "Jõgeva Nantes". Medium early, growing time 100-120 days.  Root: semi-long (12-16 cm), cylindrical, blunt tip, red-orange. Flesh: thick, delicious, tender, juicy. Small core, slightly paler than the skin. Satisfa..
Green pea "Virges"
Green pea "Virges". Early maturing (43-50 days from emergence to technical maturity), medium-growing (60-80 cm). Medium size, apiculate pods (6-9 peas per pod). Good resistance to Mycosphaerella blight. 1,0 g = 4-6 seeds. ..
Green peas "Aamisepp"
Peas "Aamisepp" - Pisum sativum L. Mid-season, tall variety (100-140 cm). From germination to technical ripeness 50-60 days. The pod is large and blunt-ended, containing 8 peas. The taste is excellent. The variety is resistant to major pe..
Green peas "Looming"
Pea "Looming". A low-growing variety (50-60 cm). Medium maturing, fejjg 60-70 days from emergence to technical maturity. Medium-size, apiculate pods. Up to 11 peas per pod. Excellent flavour. Medium resistance to Mycosphaerella blight. ..
Radish "Jõgeva 169"
Radish "Jõgeva 169". Very early, 20-24 days from emergence to technical maturity. Round to flattened-round root. Average diameter 2,5 cm, weight 15-20 g. Suitable for spring cultivation. Weight per 1000 seeds = 5,0-10,0 g. Number ..
Swede "Kohalik Sinine" (Swedish turnip)
Swedish turnip "Kohalik sinine". A popular variety of table rutabaga in Estonia, bred at the breeding and seed station in Jõgeva, which grows well in northern European conditions. The variety is early ripening, flat-rounded, with t..
Tomato "Erk"
1.76€ 1.06€
Tomato "Erk". Indeterminate, mid-early Estonian variety: from germination to the beginning of ripening 115-120 days. Bush of medium power, with a simple and compact brush with 5-6 fruits. The fruit is flat-round, bright red. The average f..
Tomato "Erk"
Tomato "Erk". Indeterminate, mid-early Estonian variety: from germination to the beginning of ripening 115-120 days. Bush of medium power, with a simple and compact brush with 5-6 fruits. The fruit is flat-round, bright red. The average f..
Tomato "Evelle"
1.76€ 1.06€
Tomato "Evelle". Great taste! Indeterminate variety, early ripening: from germination to ripening 105-110 days. In a cluster it forms 5-6 flat-rounded fruits weighing about 90 g. The first cluster is located above the 7-8th leaf, the sub..
Tomato "Mato"
Tomato "Mato". Determinate, low-growing, early, yieldy. Compact cluster, 6-10 fruits. Fruit is bright red, flattened-round, average weight 90-100 g. 110-120 days from emergence to first harvest. Resistant to tomato leaf mould. Suitable for..
Tomato "Pille"
Tomato "Pille". Tasty and disease resistant. Mid-season variety for greenhouses and open ground. Indeterminate, high-yielding, with sweet and fleshy bright orange fruits weighing 125-130 grams. The skin is thin but dense. Plant height 15..
Tomato "Siive"
Tomato "Siive". Gives a harvest in any summer! An early tomato variety with an orange color, bred in Estonia. The plant is determinate and does not require pinching. Designed for growing under film covers. The fruits are round, medium-si..
Tomato "VALVE"
Tomato "VALVE". Semi-determinate variety with a height of 120-140 cm. Rounded-elongated fruits weighing 90-95 g are formed in the cluster. Early ripening period (from germination to harvesting 100-105 days). The variety is high-yielding a..
Tomato "Varto"
Tomato "VARTO". Early, semi-determinate and compact variety, shade tolerant. The average yield per plant is about 37 fruits weighing 50 g. It is grown both in a greenhouse and on the balcony and on the windowsill. ..
Tomato "Vilja"
Tomato "VILJA". Popular variety in Estonia. Tomato for the Nordic countries. Indeterminate, mid-early variety: from germination to first harvest 115-120 days. The bush is tall. The brush is simple, there are 4-6 fruits in the brush. Frui..
Tomato "Visa" F1
Tomato "Visa" F1 Indeterminant hybrid.The weight of the fruit is 95-100 grams. 1 gram = 350-500 seeds ..
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