Allium porrum L.
Brand: Legutko
Packaged:1,0 g
Availability:In Stock
1.96€ 2.13€
Ex Tax: 1.61€
Garden leek "Bulgaarse reuzen".
Fertile, early variety. Seedlings are planted into the soil. The vegetation period is 80-87 days. Dark green leaves, thick stalks, the white part grows to 35 cm long. Used fresh, stewed, and fried. Can be stored for 2-3 months, in the temperature from 0 to -2 °C. Leeks are resistant to frost and stay well in winter after a thicker coating of snow covered with peat.
Leeks are a real find for gourmets because it is their aroma and taste that prompt many vegetable growers to grow them.
It is better to grow it through seedlings, sowing at the end of February, so that the seedlings are large enough by the time they are planted in the ground. The larger it is, the higher the yield.
1,0 g = 300-320 seeds.


* Many families love leeks, especially leek soup. Not everyone who wants to grow this onion for the first time succeeds in growing it properly. Therefore, you need to know some secrets...
Onions should be sown at the end of February, with the seeds pre-soaked in a regular flower pot. It is better if it is cylindrical in shape and not narrowed to the bottom, the diameter is at least 15 cm. There should be a hole at the bottom for water drainage.
Pour soil into the pot to 2/3 of the height. We wet or place snow in a 2 cm layer to better see whether the seeds are evenly distributed. We fill them with 2 cm of soil, cover the pot with a transparent plastic bag (to maintain humidity) and place it in a warm, possibly dark place. Every 2-3 days, remove the bag from the pot, lightly water it and put it back on.
As soon as the first green loops appear, remove the bag. We place the pot with seedlings on the windowsill on the sunny side (to protect the roots from hypothermia). Styrofoam is placed under the flowerpots.
When the temperature reaches above zero on the balcony or veranda, we take out the seedlings. It is important not to forget to cover it from direct sunlight. All care for leek seedlings comes down to watering. As soon as it’s time to plant leeks in open ground, thoroughly loosen the soil. We dig a V-shaped groove 15-16 cm deep. Put humus and a little ash on the bottom and mix everything, water it well and plant leek sprouts. It’s immediately scary to imagine that they need to be seated one at a time at a distance of 8-10 cm in a row. We straighten the roots and carefully sprinkle them with soil. The bow ends up in a trench, which serves as protection from cold winds. Cover the seedlings with spunbond until warm days arrive.
When the leek begins to grow (although this will not happen immediately), we begin to gradually add soil from the walls of the trench to the stems. We water only in very dry weather and weed a couple of times.
The more the plants gain strength, the more soil we add. By the time the onion is ready, a tall bleached stem is obtained, for which it is grown. If you don’t do this, the onions will turn out almost unbleached and tasteless.

Eng.: Garden Leek. Bot.: Allium porrum L.

Did you know that... leeks can successfully winter in our cold climate. This makes it possible to receive vitamin products in early spring and early summer. It is also possible to successfully store onions buried in sand in basements and use them until the next harvest. Due to the increased dry matter content, leeks can be dried by cutting the bleached “leg” into columns. It is used in the same way as onions.

* Leek is a real find for gourmets, since it is its aroma and taste that encourage many vegetable growers to grow it.
It is better to grow it through seedlings, sowing at the end of February, so that by the time of planting in the ground the seedlings will be large enough. The larger it is, the higher the yield.
You can also grow leeks without seedlings by sowing the seeds in the ground before winter. In this case, the harvest can be harvested in late spring. To obtain long white stems, leeks must be hilled as they grow.
Leeks usually produce seeds in the second summer. If you remove the seed shoot, the plant develops several small bulbs at the base of the central bulb. In order to propagate leeks, you need to divide its rhizomes and plant them at the end of summer. This onion does not freeze under the snow.
Its greens can be cut at almost any time of the season, except for the end of summer, when old leaves die off if they have not been cut off, and young ones are just beginning to grow.
Before planting, it is better to immediately add urea, superphosphate, potassium sulfate, as well as wood ash and chalk to the soil - this “dressing” will last for a long time.
Thickened planting improves the quality of onions. You can sow perennial onions from spring to late autumn; the only thing you need to do to care for them is to prevent them from becoming overgrown with weeds, which are the worst enemies of all types of onions.

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