Pardancanda norrisii
Brand: Jelitto
Packaged:0,2 g (8-10 s.)
Availability:In Stock
Ex Tax: 1.65€
Iris norrisii "Kiba Giants" (Candy Lily, Butterfly Iris- Pardancanda norrisii.
Perennial from the Iridaceae family.
Flower colour: yellow, red and purple.
The diameter of the flower is about 8 cm. The height of the flowering plant: 60 cm.
Natural flowering period: June - September.
Soil Requirements: well-drained, medium in nutrition.
Winter hardiness zones: Z5 - Z9.
Suitable for cutting, seed heads suitable for flower arrangements.
1.0 g = 50-55 seeds.
Location: it is better to choose bright places for planting, protected from the wind.
Soil: prefers light, well-drained, moist soils with high humus content.
Care: resistant to diseases and pests. When growing it, it is recommended to feed the plants with complex mineral fertilizer several times per season (about once every two to three weeks). Top dressing is best carried out, correlating them with certain phases of plant development - the appearance and growth of peduncles, budding, the beginning of flowering and seed setting. When growing and flowering in the open ground in Estonian conditions, the plants practically do not set seeds.
Reproduction: seeds and division of rhizomes. For better germination, the seeds are stratified. Under room conditions, seedlings appear 1.5-2 months after sowing. They are sown to a depth equal to the diameter of the seed.
Seedlings can be planted in boxes, pots or, if the threat of frost has passed, then directly into open ground. Flowering can be achieved already in the first year if the seeds are sown early (in room conditions) at the end of February - March, and the summer period will be quite warm. In the second year of cultivation, almost all plants will bloom.
Wintering: does not tolerate harsh winters. Plants tolerate mild and snowy winters normally but start growing rather late and after overwintering they bloom weakly or not at all.
In severe winters, plants die, despite any means of protection. The only way to save the Belamcanda is to dig up the plants before the onset of stable frosts with a clod of earth, transplant them into boxes or pots and keep them indoors during the winter. And in the spring again land in open ground.
Usage: interesting not only as a flowering plant but also as an ornamental leafy plant. In gardens and parks, it is used for group plantings on lawns, in mixed borders and near water bodies, for framing edges and mixed flower beds.
It can also be grown as a potted plant. In this case, her culture is somewhat reminiscent of the well-known methods of growing amaryllis, beloved by flower growers.
The plant looks great in pots but loses leaves in late autumn and requires a cool, drier dormant period. At the end of winter, active watering is resumed, and the plant grows again. When grown in pots, indoors, the plant sets excellent seeds that ripen very well.
Partners: Achillea "Colorado", Echinacea "Magnus", Eryngium variifolium and Heuchera "Palace Purple Select".

Eng.: Candy Lily, Butterfly Iris, Painted Lily. Bot. syn.: Pardanthopsis x Belamcanda, Iris x norrisii.

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