A variety that should be grown from onion sets. The flesh is white.
The variety is adaptable, highly yielding with a very good shelf life.
A round-flat shaped variety with slightly hot flavour. The variety is plastic and very fertile. Designated to be grown from onion-seedlings.
Type: Spring.
Days since sowing: 120.
Fruit weight: up to 115 g.
Productivity up to 8 kg/sq.m.
Hibernal onion. Allium cepa L.
* Onion.
Shelf life of seeds: 2 years.
Germination energy: 5 days.
Seed germination: 12 days.
Sprouts tolerate frosts down to -1°C, and adult plants up to -5...-7°C. The most favorable temperature for growth is +25°C.
Onion is a long-day plant. Before planting, it is better to soak onion sets in water for 7-8 hours. When planted in winter, small sets practically do not bolt and already in mid-July of the following year form fully ripened large bulbs with a diameter of 5-6 cm.
In the first period of growth and development, it is demanding of moisture, and later its excess delays the ripening of the bulb. Top dressing with liquid manure (1:15) - in the phase of 2-3 leaves. Stored at +1...+2°C to +10°C. In an apartment, you can store them in paper bags.
And did you know that... dried onions almost completely replace fresh onions in cooking. For salads, dried onions are pre-soaked in cold water. For boiling and frying, they are used without soaking. You can dry onions with a high content of dry matter.