Cucurbita Maxima Duchesne​​​​​​​
Brand: Semo
Packaged:9 s.
Ex Tax: 1.95€
Pumpkin "Goliaph".
A very high yielding variety of creeping marrow. The fruits are extremely large and weigh 18-30 kg, in good growing conditions the weight can reach up to 70 kg.
The fruit is oval and bright red-orange. The flesh is orange, soft, and slightly sweet and the width of the walls is 5-8 cm. 
This variety is suitable for immediate consumption and preserving as well as for animal feed. The recommended plant spacing is 200 x 200 cm.
A trailer variety of massive growth. This variety is suitable for industrial processing.

Kõrvits Goliash

* Storing pumpkins until spring.
Mature pumpkins of all varieties are suitable for short-term storage for 1-2 months. But table varieties of large-fruited pumpkin are especially good keeping quality, in which the integumentary tissues are thick and durable, and the pulp contains a lot of dry substances. Under room conditions, the pumpkin ripens within 2 months and gives full-weight seeds. And mature pumpkins of winter varieties are well stored for up to 5-6 months in the coolest place. To do this, they are usually placed in a dark pantry or under the bed, protecting from sunlight.
Attention! If you notice that a pumpkin is starting to deteriorate, you need to cut out the rotten place to a healthy tissue, and then burn it with fire on a weak candle flame.

Cucurbita maxima Goliash Kõrvits suureviljaline
Pumpkin. Bot.: Cucurbita maxima L.

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