Tomato "White Cherry"
Tomato "White Cherry". Discover the delicious taste of white cherry tomatoes. Delicate and juicy albino fruits contain virtually no acid and have a sweet sugar taste. Mid-early (from germination to the beginning of ripening 100-108 days),..
Tomato "Zloty Ozarowski"
Tomato "Zloty Ozarowski". A very tasty yellow-fruited variety with a thin skin and a high carotene content. Mid-early variety for open ground and film greenhouses: the period from germination to the beginning of fruiting is 104-120 days. ..
Tomato "Gigant"
Tomato "Gigant". Fleshy and delicious raspberry fruits. A mid-ripening variety that forms flat-rounded fruits weighing 200-250 g. Ideal for salads and all types of canning. The variety is resistant to most tomato diseases. ..
Tomato "Hubal"
Tomato "Hubal". High taste qualities. Medium-early, low-growing variety, red fruits, round in shape, weighing 120-150 grams, grown in seedlings and without seedlings. Variety value: high yield, large fruit. Recommended for growing ..
Tomato "Jawor"
Tomato "Jawor". Variety of Polish selection: early, standard, determinant. The height of the bush is up to 50 cm. Resistant to cracking, high yielding undersized tomato for outdoor use. Fruits are round, weighing up to 100 g, fleshy ..
Tomato "Prezes"
Tomato "Prezes". Very tasty and tender. High-yielding variety with large raspberry fruits. The fruits are flat-round, weighing 160-180 g. Requires formation into two stems. Resistant to late blight. Agrotechnics. Sowing for s..
Tomato "Samuraj"
Tomato "Samuraj". Delicate, delicious and fragrant. Mid-early (100-105 days from germination to fruiting) medium-sized (up to 1.0 m) variety, recommended for foil greenhouses and open ground. Fruits are deep red, flat-round shape, w..
Turnip "Di Milano a Coletto Viola"
Turnip "Di Milano a Coletto Viola". A 19th century Italian heirloom which is quick maturing and well suited for cooler climes. The medium-sized roots, with a sweet and mild flavour, are very flat with a bright purple top and a white ..
Turnip "Snowball" (Swede)
TURNIP "SNOWBALL" - Brassica rapa. Early variety. The vegetation period is 50 days. Skin of the root crop is white, white flesh, juicy, mild taste. Young leaves can be used for food as well. Turnips are rich in vitamin C. Sown directl..
Vervain (ampelous mix)
Vervain (mix) - Verbena hybrida pendula. A plant with shoots 50-60 cm long, cultivated as an ampelous annual. Blooms from July to October. The flowers are red with an eye, collected in inflorescences up to 10 cm in diameter and have a pleasant..
Violet Cathedral Bells
Violet Cathedral Bells (monastery vine). Honey-scented Vine Pollinated by Bats Growing 15-25 feet in a single season, Cobaea scandens is often grown as an annual, though it is actually a perennial in its native Central America.  The flowers st..
Watermelon "Janosik"
Watermelon "Janosik" - Citrullus lanatus L. Extra class sugar pulp! An early variety, tolerates minor cold snaps. Fruits are round-elliptical, weighing 3.5 - 5.5 kg, thin-skinned, dark green with dark narrow stripes and an inconspicu..
Watermelon "Royal Fantasy" F1
Watermelon "Royal Fantasy" F1. Early maturing variety: from germination to ripening - 75-82 days. The plant is climbing, with even, large fruits weighing 7-10 kg. The variety is distinguished by good transportability and excellent commerc..
Western polemonium "Lazur" (Jacobs ladder, Greek valerian, charity)
Jacobs ladder "Lazur" (Greek valerian, charity, Western polemonium) - Polemonium caeruleum L. Perennial herbaceous plant up to 100 cm high. Stems solitary, erect, branched in the upper part. The leaves are large, smooth, pin..
Western Sneezeweed (Owl`s Claws)
Owl`s Claws (western sneezeweed) - Helenium hoopesii A. Gray. Abundantly flowering perennial plant, 40-60 cm high. Stems are straight, branched in the upper part. Leaves are green, lanceolate. Inflorescences are solitary, very showy, gold..
White cabbage "Hornet" F1
Cabbage-white "Hornet" F1. Very early hybrid variety (from germination to harvest 57-62 days). The plant is low, on a short stem. The head is small, round, well-closed and covered with medium-green covering leaves. Heads weighing 0.8-1.1..
White сabbage "Kamienna Glowa" (Stone head)
White cabbage "Stone head" (Kamienna Glowa) - Brassica oleracea var. capitata alba. Ideal for long-term storage and very tasty when fermented! A late-ripening variety that ripens 150-160 days after transplanting. Heads of cabbag..
Winter radish "Runder Schwarzer Winter"
Black winter radish ''Runder Schwarzer Winter'' - Raphanus sativus var. nigra. Stored for a long time, keeping juiciness until spring! A mid-early variety of winter radish: the period from full germination to the beginning of t..
Winter spinach "Olbrzym zimovy"
Winter spinach "Olbrzym zimovy". Contains vitamins, amino acids and mineral salts. Leader in iodine content! Recommended for therapeutic and dietary nutrition. It is consumed boiled, canned, used for canning and freezing. Early ripe..
Winter spinach "Olbrzym zimovy"
Winter spinach "Olbrzym zimovy". Contains vitamins, amino acids and mineral salts. Leader in iodine content! Recommended for therapeutic and dietary nutrition. It is consumed boiled, canned, used for canning and freezing. Early ripe..
Yellow fennelflower "Transformer" (nigella)
Yellow nigella (fennelflower). An annual plant up to 80 cm high with small flowers and very decorative fruit buds. Ideal for dry bouquets, cutting and flower beds. Name: comes from the Latin word "nigellus": the grammatical form of the wo..
Zinnia dahliaflowered "Scarlet Flame"
Zinnia elegans dahliaflowered "Scarlet Flame". One of the most popular varieties of zinnia among flower growers. It is used for planting colourful flower beds and for cutting. Cut flowers stand in water for a long time. Plant height ..
Zinnia scabiosaflowered (mix)
Zinnia scabiosaflowered (mixture). Bright carnival of colours in summer and autumn! Plant height 60 cm. Flower diameter 6 cm. Light and heat-loving, fast-growing plant with erect stems. Inflorescences-baskets are terry, outwardly resembling sc..
Zinnia ​​​​​​​"Illumination"
Elegant zinnia "Illumination" - Zinnia elegans dahliaflowered. Magnificent, luxuriant annual. The plant is powerful, branched from the base, up to 90 cm high. Dense hemispherical inflorescences of pink-lilac colour, 9-12 cm in d..
Zucchini Squash "Nefryt" F1
Zucchini Squash "Nefryt" F1 ("Jade"). Hybrid cultivar for northern countries. An early ripening high-yielding zucchini squash that has proven itself well in northern regions. Plants are bushy, weakly branching, rarely single-ste..
Showing 376 to 400 of 405 (17 Pages)