Сheddar pink "Grandiflorus" - Dianthus gratianopolitanus Vill. = Dianthus caesius.
Fragrant and fringed.
Plants form dense curtains about 30 cm high. The bluish-blue leaves are decorative throughout the season. The flowers are fringed, pi..
Сheddar pink "Rosafeder" - Dianthus gratianopolitanus Vill. = Dianthus caesius.
Fragrant and fringed.
Perennial of the Caryophyllaceae family.
Height of flowering plant: 20 cm.
Flower colour: pure pink.
Foliage: linear, gray-green..
Alpine Ladys-mantle - Alchemilla alpina.
For the rock-garden. Avoid lime. Officinal (medicinal) plant.
Dense blossoms, yellow, foliage dark green, silvery base, ground cover.
Flowering period: Juni-August.
Zone: Z3-Z8.
Height: 15 cm.
Gram ..
Showy milkweed - Asclepias speciosa.
This American species has axillary pink-purple flowers, which are replaced by densely hairy hanging fruits.
Can be grown as a houseplant.
Keep crops at +20ºC - germination in less than two weeks.
Oriental poppy "Beauty of Livermere" - Papaver orientale.
Perennial plant from the Papaveraceae family.
Origin: Southwest Asia.
Distinguishing Features: bright red, large flowers that look like crepe paper.
Easily grown from seed. ..
Prairie dropseed - Sporobolus heterolepis.
A graceful perennial from the Poaceae family.
Grows in the prairies of North America.
Narrow glossy leaves of excellent texture, less than 2 mm wide, form a dense, round tussock. In October the folia..
Downy phlox (Prairie phlox) - Phlox pilosa.
Perennial for the rockgarden from Polemoniaceae family.
Flowering period: April-June.
Winter hardiness zones: Z4-Z7.
Height: 30 cm.
Purple-pink flower, rich flowering, narrow foliage.
Ribbon Grass - Phalaris arundinacea.
Perennial herb from the Poaceae family.
Homeland: the entire temperate zone of Eurasia and North America.
Natural flowering period: June - August.
Flowering plant height: 200 cm.
Soil requirements: moist, wat..
Showy calamint "Elfin Purple" (large-flowered calamint, mint savory) - Calamintha grandiflora.
Origin: Southeastern Europe to Iran.
Special Features: Aromatic leaves and rose-purple flowers.
Colour: Rose-purple.
Natural Flowering P..
Flammula jovis "Purpurea" (Upright virgin's bower) - Clematis recta.
An ornamental climbing perennial from the Ranunculaceae family.
Fragrant flower color: white. Flower diameter up to 3.5 cm.
Flowering plant height: u..
Colorado tansyaster - Aster coloradoensis.
A large-flowered rarity for the rock garden.
Perennial plant from the Asteraceae family.
Homeland: North America, USA, Colorado, Wyoming (rocky slopes).
Flowering plant height: 15 cm, very attractive dur..