Tomato "Chorny Prints"
Tomato "Black Prince". Black-fruited tomato is a time-tested aphrodisiac for men. Mid-early (100-115 days) salad variety for hotbeds and film greenhouses. The plant is determinate, 120-150 cm high. Requires moderate pinching and mandatory..
Tomato "Chudo na Okoshke"
Tomato "Miracle on the window". A special miniature variety for potted indoors and on the balcony. Does not require garters or pinching. Has good immunity to tomato diseases. Indoors, it bears fruit even in winter (with lighting). Determ..
Tomato "Chudo Rynka"
Keskhiline sort kasvatamiseks katmikalal. Tõusmetest saagini 112-120 päeva. Taime kõrgus 1,5-1,6 m, vajab kujundamist. Vili suur, ümar või lapikümar, vilja kaal 200-300 g. Vili lihakas ja suhkrune. Kasutatakse..
Tomato "Chudo-chudnoje"
Tomato "Chudo-chudnoje" Delicious and sweet! Recommended for growing in open and protected ground. Indeterminate, in a greenhouse with a height of 1.8-2.0 m. The tomato is mid-season, from germination to the first harvest 110-115 days. Fr..
Tomato "Chudotvorets"
Tomato "Miracle Worker". Fleshy cube-ovoid tomatoes with amazing taste. A high-yielding mid-season variety for growing in open ground and under film covers. The period from germination to fruiting is 110-115 days. The plants are indeterm..
Tomato "Cosmonaut Volkov"
Tomato "Cosmonaut Volkov". A mid-season variety of fleshy, aromatic and very tasty tomato! Large-fruited variety of amateur selection. From germination to fruiting 111-120 days. Plants are indeterminate, up to 2 m high (in closed ground)...
Tomato "Damskie Palchiki"
Tomato "Ladies fingers". A high-yielding and very popular variety that does not require garters or pinching. The variety is early maturing.  The plant is determinate, compact, up to 60 cm high in the open field (not stalked), up to ..
Tomato "Damsky Ugodnik"
Tomato ''Damsky Ugodnik''. The fruits are fleshy, stored for a month. Mid-season tomato with friendly fruiting for open ground and film shelters. Ripening occurs 110-115 days after germination. The variety perfectly adapts to adver..
Tomato "De Barao Black"
Tomato ''De Barao Black''. Mid-late (111-120 days) variety for film greenhouses and open ground (in the southern regions with a garter to stakes). The plant is indeterminate, medium-branched, medium leafy, 2.3-2.7 m high. Requires p..
Tomato "De Barao Gold"
Tomato "De Barao gold". Abundant and long-term fruiting. High quality fruits. Late-ripening variety (115-120 days) for growing in open ground and under temporary film covers. The plant is indeterminate (1.8-2.2 m). The fruits are oval-sh..
Tomato "De Barao Orange"
Tomato "De Barao Orange". Late-ripening variety for growing in open ground and under temporary film covers. The plant is indeterminate. The fruits are egg-shaped, bright orange, smooth, sweet and very tasty. Fruit weight is about 65 grams...
Tomato "Devichji Serdechki"
Tomato ''Devichji Serdechki''. Mid-season, indeterminate variety for greenhouses (160-200 cm) with 4-5 clusters on the main stem, with 5-6 fruits in each cluster. It begins to bear fruit 111-115 days after germination. The fruits ar..
Tomato "Elisey"
Tomato "Elisey". Excellent keeping quality! An early ripening variety, the period from germination to technical ripeness is 97-103 days. For growing in open ground and under film covers. The plant is determinate (up to 70 cm high) and req..
Tomato "Grapefruit"
Bicolour tomato "Grapefruit". A delicious variety with yellow skin and pink flesh, it lives up to its name. It combines color, taste, and yield. The taste is excellent! Mid-season: observed 110-115 days after germination. The plant ..
Tomato "Gruntovy Gribovsky 1180"
Tomato "Gruntovy Gribovsky 1180". Early ripening, low-growing variety: from germination to fruiting 96-112 days. For growing in open ground and under film covers. The plants are determinate, semi-spreading, 40-55 cm high in open ground. T..
Tomato "Grushka chornaya"
Tomato "Grushka chornaya" Medium-early variety. Plant height 1.5-1.8 m. Fruit mass 80-100 g.   ..
Tomato "Grushka polosataya"
Tomato "Striped Pear". One of the most productive determinate tomatoes. Early ripening variety: from germination to the start of fruit harvesting 105-115 days. Recommended for growing in protected and open ground. The height of the plant..
Tomato "Gulliver"
Tomato "Gulliver". Mid-season tomato with friendly fruiting for open ground and film shelters. Ripening occurs 105-115 days after emergence. Gulliver perfectly adapts to unfavourable growing conditions and reliably sets fruit in extreme c..
Tomato "Irina" F1
Tomato "Irina" F1. Early (90-95 days from full germination to the first harvest), determinate hybrid 100-120 cm high, forming powerful and well-leafed plants. The fruits are dense, weighing 110-140 g, transportable, round, slightly ribbed..
Tomato "Irma"
Tomato "Irma". The variety is mid-season (from germination to the beginning of ripening 110-115 days, large-fruited, high-yielding. The plant is determinate, up to 50 cm high, does not require pinching. The fruits are round, smooth, withou..
Tomato "Japonsky Krab"
Tomato "Japanese Crab". Mid-season variety for growing in open ground and under film covers. The plant is indeterminate, up to 2.0 m high. The fruit is flat-round, medium-ribbed, pink, multi-chambered. Fruit weight is 250-350 g (the first ..
Tomato "Jubileiny Tarasenko"
Tomato "Jubileiny Tarasenko". One of the best amateur varieties. Indeterminate, tall (2-3 m), recommended for trellis growing in protected ground. Mid-season, from germination to the beginning of fruiting 111-115 days. Forms 4-5 complex ..
Tomato "Karelia"
Tomato "Karelia". An excellent choice for fresh summer vitamin salads! Mid-season salad variety for growing in open ground and film greenhouses. Harvesting of the first products begins 95-100 days after germination. The variety successfu..
Tomato "Klondike"
Tomato "Klondike". For lovers of delicious large-fruited tomatoes. Mid-season, indeterminate variety for greenhouses and shelters, ripening after 110 days from germination. Forms plants up to 1.8 m high. The fruits are fleshy, multi-chamb..
Tomato "Knopka"
Tomato "Button". Early ripening (100-105 days from germination to first harvest), very decorative variety, perfect for growing in pots. The plant is determinate, 50-60 cm high. The fruit is plum-shaped, bright red, very sweet and aromatic..
Showing 101 to 125 of 210 (9 Pages)