Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Nym. Ex A.W. Hill convar. vulgare (Nois) Danert.
Brand: PNOS
Packaged:3,0 g
Ex Tax: 1.20€
Leaf parsley "Fest".
In terms of potassium content, it ranks first among vegetables, but in terms of vitamin content, it is not inferior to an orange!
A medium-sized, densely leafy variety of parsley with a spreading rosette. The growing season for spring-summer sowing is 75-85 days and for winter sowing - 140-170 days.
​Used fresh, for drying and freezing.
Parsley prefers fertile, with a deep arable layer, loose loamy and sandy loam soils. The best predecessors: cucumber, tomato and onion.
Sowing of seeds is carried out several times: in early spring (late April - early May), before winter (October-November) and in mid-summer (late June). Pre-winter sowing is carried out with dry seeds.
In spring, parsley is sown in moistened furrows at a distance of 3-4 cm in a row and 20-30 cm between rows. The top of the crops is mulched with peat. To speed up seed germination, the crops are covered with a film, which is removed when seedlings appear.
Caring for parsley includes weed control, two thinnings of crops, fertilizing after thinning, which is combined with regular watering.

Leaf Parsley. Bot.: Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Nym. Ex A.W. Hill convar. vulgare (Nois) Danert.

* Kamchatka-style dressing (an old recipe).
Ingredients: 4 tbsp. grated horseradish, 2 tsp. honey, 1 glass of sour cream, 2 yolks, juice of half a lemon, half a glass of finely chopped parsley with dill.
1. Grate the horseradish root, mix with honey and sour cream.
2. Separate the yolks and stir with the dressing.
3. Finely chop parsley and dill in equal quantities and add to the dressing, mix everything thoroughly.
4. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and stir again.
Keep refrigerated.
Served as a dressing for potatoes, vegetables, meat and fish.

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