Raphanus sativus L. var. radicula Pers.
Brand: Kurzemes Seklas
Packaged:5,0 g
Availability:In Stock
Ex Tax: 0.80€
The "French Breakfast" radish is an heirloom radish variety that has been popular for at least the last 100 years or more due to its excellent qualities.
This excellent Spring variety is famous for its beauty, as well as its wonderful, delicate flavor. In addition to its roots, the flower pods are also edible.
Excels in cool weather during the spring and fall, but will also withstand heat. Will grow in partial shade. Crops in: 25 Days.
Crisp, crunchy, mild and sweet. Ideal for decoration - make small uneven cuts around the outside of the radish, place in iced water and it will open up into floral shapes.
Sowing Instructions: radishes grow well in most soils, but prefer rich, moist free draining soils. Sow at regular intervals from early spring to early summer in well cultivated soil.
Sow very thinly 1 cm deep in drills 15 cm apart.
Growing Instructions: thin out the seedlings to 3-5 cm apart.
Aftercare Instructions: water during dry spells. For summer sowings choose a moist cool spot to prevent running to seed.
As radishes grow so fast and use less of the soils goodness, use them totally as a catch crop with other slower maturing produce.
Harvest as soon as the roots reach reasonable size, if left too long they will become hot and woody.

Redis 18 days

Eng.: Radish. Suom.: Retiisi. Sven.: Rädisa.

* For many gardeners, when grown, radish goes into the arrow and blooms - as a result of standard root crops, it does not work.
There are many reasons for this: small old seeds, severe neglect of crops, dry soil.
Prolonged exposure of radishes to low temperatures leads to the shooting of plants and root crops grow coarse, inedible.
It is necessary to grow this plant in open sunny places, in the shade the tops are very stretched and the roots grow very small and of poor quality.
Radish is a short-day plant, so it should be sown as early as possible in spring when the days are not so long, and at the end of summer (August), when they are already getting shorter.
The root system of the radish is poorly developed, so it is watered every 2-3 days, and in dry weather - every day (5-8 litres of water per 1 m2).

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