Raphanus sativus L. var. sativus
Brand: PNOS
Packaged:100,0 g
Ex Tax: 5.05€
Radish microgreens.
Ultra-early ripening variety (root crops ripening period 16 days) for early forcing in open and protected ground.
Root crops are round, leveled, bright red, weighing 11-17 g. The flesh is white, tender, very juicy. Essential oils impart a delicacy mild flavor. 

Instructions for use:
Pour the amount reguired in to a bowl of water at room temperature and allow them to soak for 8-10 hours.
Subsequently place the seeds into your sprouter covering no more than 25% of the tray as the seeds will in size. Put the sprouter in a light spot at room temperature changing the water 2-3 times a day.
The sprouts will be ready in about 6-10 days. Cut the sprouts about the seed and wash them before eating. They will keep in the fridge for up to a week (8-10 days).

Eng.: Radish. Suom.: Retiisi. Sven.: Rädisa. Bot.: Raphanus sativus L.

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