Reflexed stonecrop "Tripmadam"
Stone Orpine "Tripmadam" (Reflexed stonecrop) - Sedum reflexum.
Decorative throughout the growing season. Excellent honey plant.
A plant with a creeping rhizome, forming a dense cover of rooting, ascending, strongly branched shoots up to 25-30 cm tall. The leaves are spiky, densely located on the stem, bluish-green, tiled on the shoots. The flowers are bright, golden-yellow, up to 3 cm in diameter, collected in corymbose (almost spherical) inflorescences. Blooms in August-September 35-40 days (blooms 2-3 years after sowing).
Photophilous (reconciling with a little shading), unpretentious and drought-resistant plant, preferring light fertile soils. In one place without transplanting it grows up to 5 years. It is used to decorate rocky slides, mixborders, curbs. Peduncles are removed after flowering.
1,0 g = 10000 seeds.
Decorative throughout the growing season. Excellent honey plant.
A plant with a creeping rhizome, forming a dense cover of rooting, ascending, strongly branched shoots up to 25-30 cm tall. The leaves are spiky, densely located on the stem, bluish-green, tiled on the shoots. The flowers are bright, golden-yellow, up to 3 cm in diameter, collected in corymbose (almost spherical) inflorescences. Blooms in August-September 35-40 days (blooms 2-3 years after sowing).
Photophilous (reconciling with a little shading), unpretentious and drought-resistant plant, preferring light fertile soils. In one place without transplanting it grows up to 5 years. It is used to decorate rocky slides, mixborders, curbs. Peduncles are removed after flowering.
1,0 g = 10000 seeds.

Stone Orpine, reflexed stonecrop, crooked yellow stonecrop, goldmoss, rock stonecrop, St. Vincent's rock stonecrop, yellow stonecrop. Bot. syn.: Sedum rupestre L.